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~Continuing from earlier~ Jenkins turned to Davis. "Now, about securing my client's release on bail..." Officer Davis let out a harsh bark of laughter. "You can't be serious. After what have we heard today? Your client is a person of interest in a brutal murder case. She's not going anywhere until we get to the bottom of this." Keeping his voice level, Jenkins replied, "Miss Bolting has been fully cooperative. She's an upstanding citizen with no criminal record. There are no grounds to continue holding her." "Says you," Davis retorted, his eyes narrowing. "The evidence so far paints a different picture. As I said, your client had motives - a jealous rage over her man's cheating. And her fragile state today speaks volumes." Serena opened her mouth to protest, but Jenkins raised his hand, signaling her to stay quiet and let him do the talking. "We'll let the courts decide if there are sufficient grounds for charges," the lawyer stated firmly. "For now, I'm invoking my client's rights and requesting her immediate release on bail, pending further investigation." Davis glowered, his jaw clenched tightly. After a tense silence, he gave a curt nod. "Fine, but she's not to leave town. This isn't over, not by a long shot. If any credible evidence emerges further implicating her, you can bet your ass I'll have her brought up on charges." He leaned across the table, his face inches from Serena's. "And when that happens, you're going away for a long time, you psychotic bi--" "That's enough!" Jenkins's voice cracked like a whip, cutting Davis off. "Watch your tone when addressing my client. Now, are you granting bail or not?" After a tense standoff, Detective Davis finally relented with a dismissive wave. "Get her out of my sight. But she's not to leave town, understood?" Jenkins gave a curt nod. "My client will fully comply. Thank you for finally seeing reason." He turned to Serena, his expression softening slightly. "Let's go, Miss Bolting. You're a free woman...for now." As they exited the interrogation room, Serena felt a surge of relief, but her legs were shaking. She let Jenkins guide her through the bustling precinct, ignoring the sideways glances and muted whispers. Once outside in the crisp night air, Serena took a deep breath, letting the weight of the last few hours sink in. She was far from absolved, but at least temporarily free from that stifling room. "Thank you for getting me out," she said quietly. "I was starting to feel like a caged animal." Jenkins looked at her appraisingly. "You're welcome, but don't thank me yet. The hard part is still ahead - we need to find the real killer and clear your name completely." His mouth set in a grim line. "Because if the DA formally charges you with Diana's murder, it'll be an uphill battle to prove your innocence." Serena felt a knot in her stomach but met his gaze with determination. "Then we better get started. I won't rest until I'm matter what." Jenkins nodded curtly. "That's what I like to hear. First, we need to get you somewhere safe. The press will have a field day with this." He guided Serena to a sleek black sedan idling at the curb. As he opened the passenger door, Serena hesitated. "Wait, I need to get my things from my apartment." "Out of the question," Jenkins said firmly. "That will be the first place they look. We'll have someone discreetly retrieve your essentials later." Serena felt a flash of anger, her grip tightening on her purse. "I'm not going into hiding like a criminal! I've done nothing wrong!" Jenkins held up a placating hand. "I understand, but your safety is the priority right now. The media circus could severely complicate clearing your name." He fixed her with an intense look. "You'll have to trust me on this. We're still determining who we can trust." Serena wavered, recalling how easily supposed friends like Diana had betrayed her. She finally gave a terse nod and slid into the passenger seat. Jenkins followed and pulled away from the curb. Serena watched the city lights blur outside the tinted windows in utter silence. She felt the weight of her predicament crash over her again. Framed for murder, hunted by the press, forced into hiding... this nightmare was now her reality. It was overwhelming. Serena stared sightlessly at her trembling hands... the ache of Diana's loss was like an open wound. But overpowering that was a simmering rage slowly transmuting into unbending resolve. It was obvious she was being targeted. "Don't worry," she murmured, more to herself than Jenkins. "I will expose who did this. And when I do, they'll pay dearly and wish they never messed with me!!" ~Meanwhile at a different location~ A sleek, modern apartment bathed in the city's neon glow. On a plush leather sofa, a man lounged, phone in hand, brows furrowed as he watched the news broadcast detailing Serena's crisis. With a heavy sigh, he set the phone aside and turned his gaze toward the imposing figure seated at the desk – his boss who remained a mystery to the outside world. Despite the distraction, the man’s fingers continued their relentless dance across the laptop's keys, his aura exuding an icy indifference. Then he directed his gaze at the other figure who had his eyes closed and leisurely crouched on the plush sofa to his right. "What is it, Killian?" he asked, his tone as cold as his steel-gray eyes that briefly opened. Killian leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees. "Seven! He can't be serious about not helping her?!" he whispered, hints of concern lacing his words. "After what happened that night...her life is intertwined with his now, whether he likes it or not." At the mention of 'her', the man busy on his laptop paused momentarily and his jaw tightened imperceptibly. However, he instantly reverted to his indifferent demeanor and resumed typing again. The man named Seven’s eyes snapped open. Inwardly, he knew Killian spoke the truth. Serena had accomplished the impossible - an aberration in that stone-hearted man’s carefully calculated existence. Yet, the brutal reality was that his life was a maelstrom of danger, one Serena could never be part of. Their encounter was an accident, a fleeting cosmic collision that should never have occurred. Still, a part of him couldn't bear the thought of her suffering. Seven exhaled helplessly. He knew his friend best. Although the man rarely showed any emotions, Seven had been by his side way too long not to understand his thinking. Also, it was a miracle Serena didn’t lose her life that day. Seven pressed the bridge of his nose. "For now, prison is the safest place for her. I will try to intervene if necessary, but not until I gauge the full extent of the situation." Killian's brow furrowed with frustration. "And how long will that take? By then it could be too late!" The man's eyes flashed with a hint of annoyance. "Are you questioning the boss’s judgment, Killian?" "Of course not." Killian held up his hands in a placating gesture. "I'm just concerned about the girl's well-being, that's all. She doesn't deserve to be caught up in...whatever this is." Seven leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers as he studied Killian intently. "You've grown attached to her." It wasn't a question, but Killian felt his cheeks flush slightly. "I just think we owe her, after..." He trailed off, not needing to elaborate further. A heavy silence fell between them. Finally, Seven gave a curt nod. "Very well. Let’s keep an eye on the situation for now. But don't make any moves unless absolutely necessary. We can't risk exposure, not with so much at stake." His tone made it clear this was a fragile matter. Killian exhaled slowly, knowing it was the best he could hope for at the moment. "Understood. I'll monitor things closely." Seven and Killian's bodies went rigid when the air suddenly felt chilly. They whipped their heads toward the only source of such an aura in the room and felt two piercing amber eyes staring daggers at them. ‘Damn it! How could we have grown too comfortable with this devil’s incarnation and even dared to discuss his problems in front of him? Weren't we being too noisy and intruding like this?’ Killian cursed inwardly as he scrambled to his feet.
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