CH. 13

1065 Words
It felt as though the bustling city had turned a deaf ear to President Bolting’s pleas despite him being the most powerful man in the country. The scandal seemed to have eroded people’s faith in him, chipping away at the respect they once held for their leader. But he wouldn't let them tarnish Serena's reputation this way. He couldn't. President Bolting made a silent vow then and there - he'd bring forth the truth and vindicate his precious daughter no matter what it took. Deep within him, the middle-aged man knew it was against protocol for authorities to divulge information about ongoing investigations, especially when relatives of suspects were involved. His presidential authority didn’t exempt him from this rule. Yet, propelled by desperation and paternal love, he decided to take matters into his own hands and reach out directly to the detective leading Serena's case. President Bolting searched through his contact lists with trembling fingers and dialled a particular number. He had to summon all his strength to keep his voice steady as he greeted the gruff voice that answered on the other end of the line. "Hello, Deputy Chief Rodriguez!" The voice on the other end of the line was a familiar one. "Greetings, Mr. President!" replied Detective Rodriguez with a curt tone that belied years of experience in dealing with high-pressure situations. "I'm calling about my daughter, Serena Bolting," said the President, his words tumbling out in an urgent rush. His heart pounded against his ribs like a frantic drummer. "She was taken into custody tonight and I'm desperate to unearth the truth behind the happenings." A pause pregnant with tension stretched over the phone line after his plea, almost palpable even through the digital connection. Detective Rodriguez finally spoke up, regret and professional restraint evident in his tone. "I'm sorry, sir," he began gently yet firmly, "But I cannot discuss an ongoing investigation with you. It's a personal matter concerning you and divulging information would be in violation of our laws." President Bolting felt a cocktail of frustration and disappointment surge within him like a tidal wave threatening to capsize his composure. He'd clung to the hope that the detective would lend an empathetic ear and understand that Serena was innocent of such an atrocious crime. However, it seemed he was no closer to unmasking the truth than when he had first embarked on this harrowing journey. "I am the president of this country, damn it!" The man erupted suddenly. His voice was laced with simmering frustration and desperation. "I have every right to access any information I deem necessary!" Despite Mr. Bolting's outburst, Deputy Chief Rodriguez maintained an apologetic tone as he tried to temper the man’s anger with reason. "You know it's against our law enforcement protocols, sir," he reminded him gently yet firmly. Defeat hung heavily around Serena’s father like a shroud as he ended the call. He released a sigh so profound it seemed to reverberate through his entire being. Yet surrender was not an option. Not when Serena's fate was teetering on the edge of a precipice. He had to soldier on. He hit the next number on his list with shaky hands driven by steadfast determination. His eyes roved over the passing streetlights while he waited for the call to be answered, desperately seeking even a glimmer of empathy or understanding. Just as a sense of despair started to envelop him, one of his phones suddenly rang, breaking the heavy silence and snapping him out of his reverie. It was a call from one of his reliable private investigators that always stood out as a guiding light during challenging times like this. The man’s heart jolted with anticipation as he answered eagerly, yearning for some form of breakthrough in Serena's case. "President Bolting, this is Detective Rowling," came the investigator's voice through with an ominous undertone. "I have some crucial information for you." His mind became a whirlwind of possibilities – could this be the turning point he had been hoping for? Or would it end up in another cul-de-sac in an endless maze of disappointments? Time alone kept those answers captive, yet his drive remained unwavering. He was determined to uncover the truth, prove Serena's innocence, and ensure justice prevailed for all to see. It was the minimum he could do as her father. A flurry of emotions whirled within President Bolting as he listened intently to each word that flowed from Detective Rowling's mouth. His focus honed in like a laser beam as Detective Rowling continued to divulge his findings. Yet just as hope began to ignite within him like a distant star piercing through stormy clouds, everything around him plunged into sudden darkness. A thunderous detonation shattered the silence—one that propelled the President through the void with force. His body met the unforgiving pavement with a jarring impact. His senses were immediately swamped by the cacophony of ringing in his ears and the scorching agony that seized every fiber of his being. When he mustered the strength to open his eyes, he was met with a devastating scene of utter destruction and desolation. The once luxurious Limousin lay decimated, its fragments strewn about like pieces from a shattered magic orb. And there, brooding ominously in the distance, he spotted his other convoy vehicles swallowed up by thick plumes of smoke. Who could have masterminded such catastrophe? And for what conceivable reason? However, despite the turmoil and unpredictability, one undeniable fact persisted in Mr. Bolting's weary being - he had failed. He had made a solemn vow to Serena… He had promised to get her out and revive her damaged reputation. But now... now he lay enclosed in ruins and cloaked in failure! He had let her down; let down himself; let down her hopes and dreams! His promise lay shattered among twisted metal and charred remains, serving as a bitter reminder of his inability to safeguard what mattered most. President Bolting harnessed every iota of willpower left within him to push past the searing pain and rise from the rubble that had become his immediate world. A sense of despair gnawed at his heart when he couldn’t move a muscle. He felt the world whiz by at a dizzying speed and the burdens of life gradually dissipating with every breath he drew. And then… finally, darkness welcomed him with open arms.
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