
1024 Words
{Sophia’s POV} Talon’s face was full of fury, his hands balled into fists. Alec was trying to hold it together, but before I knew what was happening he stormed out of the room. Talon trailed behind him, slamming the door shut on his way out. I sunk to the floor onto my knees and cried. I let go of all of the pain, the fear, the anger, and I cried. Hours passed, the hours felt like days, I stayed in the room, not daring to leave. I sifted through Talon’s closet until I found one of his button up shirts. I pulled it on and buttoned it up. It was black, and soft, I looked for any sign of underwear for me, but Talon’s wouldn’t fit. Eventually I gave up, and sat down on the floor by the fire. I wrapped a large blanket around me, and warmed my hands by the fire. It was still cold in here, which means my heat was still lurking around. I had hoped it would just leave, I didn’t want to go into heat. Every time it happened it felt different. I dreaded it, because it was the times when Dimitri was the most cruel to me. I looked up to the bed and made my way there, grabbing a pillow and bringing it down to the floor with me. I laid down in front of the massive fireplace and watched the flames dance while I waited. A few more hours passed, and neither of them had returned yet. I was beginning to worry, it was dark out already, and they still haven’t come back. I closed my eyes, only for a moment, but it was enough to let the exhaustion take over. I drifted off into a terrible slumber. Nightmares, and flashes of awful things kept sputtering into my mind. “Sophia?” I heard a voice whisper quietly. “Sophia..” again the voice rang out. My eyes opened, and peering down at me was Alec. “Sophia.. are you okay?” He asked. I saw a bright glow of purple light against his face. “What?” I asked confused, I reached up and caressed his cheek. “Your eyes, they’re glowing..” he whispered softly. I saw Talon appear over his shoulder, he was staring down at me with an unreadable expression. “Dove..” he whispered. I sat up quickly and pulled myself back away from them. “Where were you two? I was worried sick, I didn’t know where you went, or when you’d be back, or if you were okay!” I whimpered out. They both looked at me, guilty expression washed across their face. “We didn’t mean for you to worry, honestly, I didn’t think you wanted us around..” Alec said. “After what I did earlier, I figured it be good for us to give you some space. We were still in the pack house, we called a pack meeting. We told them that we found our mate, their future Luna. Then we told them that we are holding a virtual Alpha council meeting tomorrow, and no one would be prohibited in the pack house.” Talon looked to me, but then trailed his eyes down to the ground. “We’ve also decided to let you stay here in my room, we’ll share Alec’s, it’s right across the hall, so we’ll be right here if you need us.” “Wait!” I shouted. Both of them looked up to me, their eyes finally meeting mine again. “I don’t want you to go.. I don’t want to be left alone here.. please stay here with me. The bed is plenty big enough for the three of us. Also.. the Alpha meeting, what are you doing that for?” I asked. “We want to end our peace treaty with Dark Moon Pack.” Alec answered. “If you do that so suddenly then he’ll know I’m here, he and my brother will come to kill me.. they’ll.. they’ll..” I started spiraling. “Okay, okay, we’ll call the meeting for everyone except Dark Moon Pack and Mist Veil Pack.” Talon said. “That would be suspicious, just please, call it off for now. I’d rather let them think I’m dead for now.”I said, crossing my arms and gripping them roughly. They both stood back, crossing their arms and looking to one another. “Okay..” they both agreed. I looked over to the pillow I laid on the floor, I walked over scooping it up and tossing it onto the bed. I crawled in the middle, and patted both sides of me. They looked down at my small frame in the bed. “Okay, let us go change first.. I need to find some pajama bottoms..” Alec muttered. “Just sleep like you usually do, don’t let me being here bother you.” I said laying down and closing my eyes. I felt the bed dip to one side of me, then a few moments later the bed dipped on the other side. I felt a bare chest to each side of me and my face heated up. “Goodnight..” whispered Alec. “Goodnight..” Talon grumbled. “Goodnight..” I spoke softly before drifting off into sleep. My eyes fluttering shut as I laid nestled between my mates. I was so comfortable, so warm, my body felt like it was on fire. Da** my heat started back up.. I remember that Alec put my medicine up earlier, but I don’t know where it was. I opened my eyes, and to my front I could see Alec, his eyes closed, his chest rising and falling slowly. Behind me I could hear Talon breathing, he was asleep as well. I tried to move, but when I did I felt something large, and hard move between my legs. I moved.. and Talon’s c*** fell out, and now it’s stuck between my legs. I can’t move now, I can’t get up.. my breathing became more sporadic as my heat rose, this wasn’t good..
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