Chapter 18

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ELLA'S POV We danced until sunset and the sun rose in the sky again. I had so much fun enjoying my first night here, doing nothing but enjoying everything the island had to offer. We drank like there was no tomorrow, and danced like we had no care in the world. The atmosphere felt like there was something else intoxicating in the air, apart from the alcohol, but at that moment. We didn't care at all. We were just so excited to be here on this island and having a bachelorette party. So by the time the sun rose in the sky, it was just Alex and I remaining on the dance floor, '' This island is not that bad, Ella..." Alex screamed, laughing hysterically. '' I told you so girl...'' I laughed. Arthur would never take us to somewhere that is lame, my man is amazing,'' I continued to scream through the music as I moved my hips from side to side. '' I still don't like him for stealing the shine away from me,'' Alex chuckled, downing a shot of her tequila. Whatever Alex, all that matters is that I love him,'' I smiled as I continued to dance. ''So you don't love me," Alex let out with a frown on her face. No, I love ...'' but before I could complete my sentence, Alex puked all over the floor. ''I don't feel good,'' Alex softly let out as she threw up yet again. Okay, I think it's time we called it a night or should I rather say morning,'' I laughed and Alex laughed as well. ''We partied so hard... Isn't it,'' Alex laughed even more as she tried to puke yet again. Yeah, lucky for you, I think I'm sober enough to get you back to your room," I said as I guided her back into the house. Getting into the house, Alex was still laughing like crazy, like everything I said was funny to her and most of my words weren't that funny. I managed to get her upstairs, but getting Alex to her room was even more hustle. She puked halfway upstairs and even in front of her door. Alex's room was locked so I took her to mine. Helping Alex up there really sobered me up a bit, but on the other hand, Alex was a total mess. ''For a person who never gets drunk, your drunken side is really intense," I said as I dropped her onto the bed. ''Babe I'm an extremist,'' Alex smiled. I rolled my eyes and helped her onto the bed, taking off her shoes and changing her into a more comfortable. '' I will get you a bucket,'' I said as I walked into the bathroom, but by the time I got out, Alex was already fast asleep. Smiling at her sleeping form, I put the bucket by her side as I got into the sheet as well. Looking up at the ceiling, a smile grew wide on my face. This island was just beyond perfect, it felt and looked liked paradise, and if I didn't have to get married in a week's time, then I might just consider staying with her forever. I was definitely going to come back here for my honeymoon,'' I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes, allowing sleep to take me away. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... I woke up with a splitting headache and, of course, dizziness. It was so bad that for a moment the room was spinning as if I was on a rollercoaster. ''Tell me I'm not the only one whose head is on fire right now,'' Alex said beside me and I laughed a bit, but laughing right now as hard as everything hurts ''You are not the only one, okay,''' I said softly as I slowly got off the bed and went into the bathroom. I poured water on my face and I instantly felt a little bit better. I knew I still needed a cup of coffee or one of Alex's hangover remedies. So I walked out of the room to find Alex still grumbling about her hangover. ''I'm going to find some coffee or maybe you could make one of your hangover remedies,'' I said to Alex. Alex looked at me for a while, then said ''Coffee it is,'' she said as she got up quickly, but she staggered immediately, maybe due to her hangover. Fuck being hangover isn't friendly,'' Alex grumbled as we walked out of the being a I laughed at her words as I looked up at her frowning face. Now you know how I feel every time you make me go out and drink the whole club bar,'' I smirked, as I was kind of enjoying her misery. Getting down to the kitchen, we were shocked when we saw a layout of a different kind of food on the dining table Welcome ladies... breakfast is served,'' Ciara smiled and said Looking around, Olivia and the other girls were already seated around the table and their eyes shone with excitement immediately as they saw us. Ella... Alex, you both finally made it to breakfast... goodness look at all this food,'' Sasha said as they all urged us to take a seat. Alex wasted no time in sitting down and soon she was already munching down on chocolate chip pancakes. I sat as well and poured myself a cup of coffee before I started eating. Girl... when I thought this island couldn't be any better, they bombarded us with so much food, I know. bombarded feeding an entire community,'' Mandy said. and everyone chuckled Yeah, this island is just the best," Ava let out, smiling. Okay girls after this...we are all going to the spa,'' Olivia smiled and said Ciara has set up a complimentary day of relaxation for all of us this afternoon at the spa here. We are going to have massages, pedicures, facials, Vichy showers and lots more,'' Olivia continued and everyone cheered in excitement. We soon finished our breakfast, and we all went back to our rooms to get ready for a fun-filled day. Having a shower and dressed quickly , I made my way back downstairs to wait for the others. Alex soon joined me downstairs, wearing a green flower top and a white shirt and, of course, she looked all beautiful. Soon they went down one after the other, starting from Olivia to Mandy to Sasha. but soon after a long wait, Ava never showed up. What about Ava? Did no one call her down?'' I asked. I called her... she told me that she was on her way,'' Olivia said. Okay, I think I should go and get her down myself, she is taking so much time," I said as I stood up and walked up the stairs. I got to her room and knocked at the door but there was no answer. ''Why wouldn't she answer me," I asked, confused, as I continued knocking, just hoping that she would open the door but still the same result. There was no answer from her. Okay, this is weird. I continued knocking over and over again, banging on the door with all my strength. ''Ella, what is going on? Why are you banging on Ava's door like a maniac? Where is Ava?'' Alex asked so many questions that I couldn't even focus on one. When I didn't answer and continued banging on Ava's door, Alex stopped me, immediately screaming her words at me. ''Where is Ava?'' she asked and I shook my head, saying SHE IS NOT ANSWERING HER DOOR "'Wait, what do you mean by that," Alex asked with confusion laced in her voice. I have been knocking and she is not coming to the door. Should we call for Ciara to get the spare key," I said, but Alex shook her head, saying ''There is no time for that'' Soon she bent down and started picking the lock with her hairpin, and Alex got the door opened in no time. We both walked inside slowly, looking around the room and it was empty... Ava wasn't here A wave of confusion and fear took over me. Where could she be?'' I asked myself for the hundredth time. Ella, maybe she is somewhere around the house or even the island, we just need to find her,'' Alex said, answering my thoughts without even knowing. We walked out of the room, searching every corner of the house. We decided to do it quietly so as not to arouse fear from the other girls. but with every turn, our search was futile and the more Ava remained missing, the more the uncertainty settled in within me. I continued searching, walking into a study that I didn't even know was in the house. The study looked old and filled with antiques. My eyes drifted around the old study, kind of admiring the beautiful antiques here and there, but soon my heart stopped and my breath hooked in fright when it landed on a body lying on the bare floor. I didn't know who it was, so I slowly but nervously walked over to the body. close enough, I screamed in fear when I saw the person lying dead on the floor with blood coming out of her eyes and her body was cold as ice. It was Ava lying there. I did not know what to do next. I was frozen still. Ava was dead
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