Chapter 7

1284 Words
Ella's POV ''I have been wanting to do this since I picked you up tonight," he smirked as we pulled away from me and I blushed. “Okay, this date was going better than I expected," I smiled to myself, as I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. ”Don't look at me like that, if you don't want me to kiss you again," he moved closer, whispering into my ear. And if I had a dime for everything, I blushed at his words, then I would be so rich right now," I laughed to myself. ”Just eat your food Arthur," I let out, chuckling softly. We soon got back to our meal, and we laughed and chatted at length. Arthur was such great company, I must say. I was so engrossed in our little chat that I didn't know when time flew by so quickly until he whispered, saying. “I could stay here all night with you, but I think I should take you home now, it's already passed midnight," He let out and my eyes shone brightly in surprise. “Are you serious," I asked and he nodded his head in response. Goodness how did time fly by so quickly," I asked myself and my subconscious was so quick to respond. Well, a bottle of the best wine and great company can make time seem insignificant," my subconscious said, and I rolled my eyes, questioning why the voices in my head were always right. “So shall we," Arthur smiled as he stretched forth his hands, taking my hand in his as he led me up from my seat. Leading me out, I noticed we were the only customers left in the restaurant, and the waitress that served us earlier was still standing by the door, maybe waiting for us to leave. Seeing us, she lowered her gaze to the floor, avoiding eye contact. '' Sorry dear, I think I left something on the table, I will just be a minute,'' Arthur said. and I nodded. Immediately, Arthur walked out, the waitress pulled me closer to herself. I was shocked and confused, and the look in her eyes held so much fear that I didn't know what to think. Then she whispered. '' Run!'' I was confused, but before I could ask her why she said that, Arthur walked back in and she quickly let go of me and lowered her gaze again until we walked off the restaurant. Pushing the waitress's words from my mind, I focused back on my date. Arthur was a gentleman as always, opening the door for me and also helping me into the car. He soon closed the door, ran over to the driver's seat, and soon enough we were on our way back to my house. The ride was silent but it wasn't all an awkward and invading silence. This silence was peaceful and tranquil, and soon Arthur moved his hand over to mine, interlocking our fingers. He glanced over at me smiling, with a look of contentment in his eyes, and I couldn't help it. My heart fluttered for an instant. In a few minutes, we got to my apartment building, and we both made our way up to the elevator. “You shouldn't have bothered coming up with me," I said, looking up at him. “No, Ella, I wanted to, I have to make sure you got back in one piece because, with the look Alex gave me, I knew she was going to kill me if anything happened to you," Arthur smiled, saying, with his gaze never leaving mine. We gazed at each other so intensely, that everything and everyone felt oblivious at that moment. But soon the elevator bell dinged, totally breaking us out of our trance, as we both let out a nervous cough, obviously blushing hard. Arthur walked me to my door, and I didn't want to admit it but there was a wave of disappointment that swept over me, knowing that the night with Arthur was over. “Thank you for dinner, I had a great time," I said softly as my gaze wandered to the floor again for no just reason. “Eyes... behave” Arthur soon moved closer to me, snaking his hands around my lower back, as he lifted my face to look at him. “Tonight was everything, I thought it would be and more," he whispered, and I blushed as always, all the well trying to hold eye contact with him. “You are really special Ella," he said as he lowered his head, bringing his lips down to mine, kissing them softly. The kiss was soft but also intoxicating, and it had me craving for more as soon as he pulled away. Arthur smirked as he ran his fingers over my bottom lip. “So should I be expecting a second date, seeing how good this one turned out," he asked and I smirked, a sudden wave of confidence took over me. “We will just have to see about that, Mr Logan," I smirked, and Arthur's eyes shone in amusement. “Okay, it is not a no, so I will take that," he laughed. We soon said goodbye and I walked into my apartment. Locking the door behind me, a wave of tiredness that I hadn't experienced before took over me. “Okay... my bed has my name on it right now,” I said to myself as I made my way to my room. The room was dark, so I reached for the light switch and, to my greatest surprise, Alex was sitting on my bed with her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face. “I see the date lasted for hours, so I guess it went well," she murmured. Looking at her confused, I wondered what was going on with my friend. “Yes, it was amazing... better than I expected," I said as I took off my shoes, slumping down onto the bed beside her. “Yes...Yes.. tell me everything," Alex squealed in excitement. Her former stern look was gone. “Yep... this was the Alex I knew” I laughed to myself. ''Wait, I thought you had a stern expression on your face a minute ago, tell me... what happened," I laughed as I sat up. Looking at her. “Christ Ella, can't I act like an overprotective friend anymore," Alex let out softly as her gaze fell. “I knew it," I rolled my eyes at her and she chuckled. Alright... come on, tell me everything. And girl, when I say everything, you know I mean absolutely every little detail," she said. “Alex... Why? I'm so tired, I just want to sleep," I grumbled. But you can't sleep when I'm deprived of my daily dose of gossip. “Come on girl, don't starve your sister," Alex murmured as she looked at me with her big cute eyes. “Damn Alex... you know I was the one who invented puppy dog eyes, so that wouldn't work on me," I said, rolling my eyes. Alex wanted to protest but I stopped her. “ I promise tomorrow okay, I will tell you everything, but for now a good night's sleep is all I need," I let up and Alex looked at me, maybe knowing that there was no convincing me, so she grumbled and left the room. “Peaceful darkness at last," I said to myself as my eyes drifted off to sleep. My dreams were filled with memories of the night I just had and, of course, Arthur, who was slowly turning out to be my prince charming.
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