Chapter Five

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Chapter Five On Saturday morning, three days later, Kristie’s mom beamed at her. “Gray is coming over for dinner tonight. Isn’t that great?” Kristie almost choked on her toast. No, anything but. But instead she meekly nodded as her mom trailed out to the backyard. It was her day off, and she had told Kristie that she wanted to try to get back into gardening. Lionel was out golfing with his friends. In the silence of the dining room, Kristie found herself staring out the window, watching her mom get her tools in order. Suffering through another dinner with Lionel being tense and Gray being in a terrible mood sounded awful to Kristie. Plus, there was the nagging fact that she couldn’t stop thinking about Gray in that way. It was horrifying to think of it, but late at night when she couldn’t sleep, Kristie found herself thinking about him in all sorts of inappropriate ways. And now tonight she would have to see him again. Dread filled her and the toast tasted dry in her mouth. She took a swig of orange juice. There was no getting out of dinner tonight, unless she faked being sick. Would she really want to do something like that? Suddenly I can feel a migraine coming on. >> Gray had only agreed to this dinner to try to patch things up with Lionel. That’s it, he told himself for the millionth time as he rode his bike to Lionel’s house. It has nothing to do with Kristie. Deep down, he knew that was a lie. It had everything to do with Kristie. The only time in the last three days that he hadn’t thought of her was on the ride he had taken after he had left her at the gas station. The highway had swallowed Gray up whole. The only thing he focused on was how it felt to speed down it with his crew behind him. Afterward, Armand had called about his bail being posted. They had paid for it, but they were all low on cash. Time to start boosting again. Then Gray had gotten home and laid in his bed, thinking about Kristie. He hadn’t wanted to think about her at all. But the thoughts had come, unbidden to him, about the way she had felt pressed up against him. Her eyes had been wide and nervous. But she hadn’t pushed away from him until the cop lights showed up. What if he had kissed her, right then and there? If he had taken her, secretly, in her car, in the backseat? He had gone to bed hard, worked up, and refusing to touch himself and let himself release over her. It would only make things worse if he had given into temptation and thought about Kristie that way. Instead, his sleep had been terrible, leaving him exhausted the next day. He longed to go riding again just to block out the images of her. When Lionel had called about dinner tonight, Gray had agreed before thinking it completely through. Now he was pulling up into the driveway and regretting everything. Gray wasn’t sure how he would be able to talk to Kristie without giving everything away at once. He thought back to how John had called him her boyfriend and Kristie had quickly corrected him. This is stupid. He turned off his bike and stared at the house. There were lights on in the kitchen. Gray’s palms were sweaty as he took off his gloves and walked up to the front door. A light snow had started but he barely noticed it as he knocked on the door. Pamela answered it and ushered him inside quickly, fussing over him as she usually did. Gray let her this time as his eyes scanned the living room. No sign of Kristie. His heart was hammering in his chest as he made his way to the kitchen. Lionel was bent over the stove and looked up at him. “You’re early,” he said, surprise flitting across his features. “Yeah, well...” Gray trailed off, having not realized he was early – he was notoriously late to everything. That was when he noticed Pamela had only pulled down three plates from the cupboard. “Kristie not here?” he asked, hoping his tone was light. “Poor thing has the worst migraine,” Pamela said, frowning, “She has to skip dinner, I’m afraid, and rest.” Bullshit. Gray sat down at the table. She’s avoiding me. She isn’t interested. You’re imagining it. So get over it and get through this meal. He tried to ignore the bitter disappointment in his chest. >> Kristie had begun to fake her headache early in the afternoon. She made sure to mention it in passing at first and then with increased severity as time went on. By the time it was about thirty minutes before dinner, Kristie had turned it into a full-blown migraine. She simply had to lie down instead of eat. Her mom hadn’t doubted her once and had ushered her up into her room. Kristie had felt bad until she heard Gray down in the living room. Just hearing his voice had made her heart beat quickly, as if she had chugged five energy drinks in a row. Kristie had laid very still in her room for fear of Gray coming up to check on her. Stupid. Soon she heard the clatter of plates that told her dinner was underway. Kristie laid there and finally rolled to one side to look out her window at the falling snow. Pretending to have a migraine was pretty boring, she realized, the longer she laid there. She must have drifted off because the next time Kristie opened her eyes, the moon was high in the sky and the snow was falling harder. Moonlight spilled across her bed. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and turned slightly, straining to hear if dinner was finished or not. She could hear plates being washed and the low murmur of conversation. Kristie exhaled. Gray had probably bailed out already. She couldn’t see him as the type of guy who would stick around and clean up plates. She had made it through the dinner. >> Gray had barely been able to pay attention to dinner. Anytime the conversation tried to be shoved back on him, he would resist and soon asked either Lionel or Pamela something that would require a long story. He poked around his meal – pork chops and potatoes, with corn on the side – and ate enough of it that no one would notice. Was Kristie avoiding him? That must have been it. Gray found it hard to believe that she truly was suffering from a migraine. She didn’t want to see him. Not only had Gray yelled at her in the bar and in the parking lot, but she had almost gotten in trouble with the Infernos. You know that isn’t the reason, the voice in his head taunted. Once dinner finished, Gray felt unsure what to do. Part of him wanted to go up to see her. Another part of him just wanted to leave quickly. It wasn’t until Pamela brought her up that he decided what he wanted to do. “I should go check up on Kristie. I haven’t heard a peep from her.” “I’ll go,” Gray blurted out before he could think it over. “I can check up on her.” Surprise crossed both Pamela and Lionel’s faces but it seemed to be a nice surprise for them. Pamela was excited and agreed almost instantly. “Tell her if she wants leftovers, there are still some left,” she added as Gray made his way up to Kristie’s room. Outside her bedroom door, Gray hesitated. But before he could talk himself out of it, he knocked gently and then peeked his head inside. The room was lit only by moonlight. The room was spotless – the complete opposite of his own apartment. Kristie turned her face to see who had opened the door and her mouth open and shut when she saw it was Gray. He stepped inside and shut the door gently behind him. It was as if he had stepped into another world, separate from the hustle and bustle downstairs. The only thing Gray could think about was Kristie. Her eyes were wide in surprise. “What are you doing in here?” she whispered. “Your mom said you had a migraine.” Kristie didn’t reply. She shifted slightly in bed so she was propping herself up to look at him better. Gray took a step closer. The only thing he could hear was his breathing as he slowly walked over to her bed. He sat down on it next to her, avoiding her gaze. “I don’t believe you do,” he finally said. The words hung in the air, heavy and weighted down with their meaning. Kristie’s breath caught. Gray leaned forward and brushed a lock of her hair away from her face. The touch was electric. His hands shook gently as he bent down and kissed her. >> Kristie felt as if she had been doused in water and then electrocuted. As soon as Gray’s lips pressed against hers, she felt as if she had come down with a fever. The surge of emotions that washed over her made her weak all over. She wanted to tell herself to pull away, but she couldn’t find the willpower to do so. Instead, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer. Their lips crashed together again, harder, almost desperate with the need for one another. Their desire, which had always been so closely simmering under the surface, had now boiled over. Their kiss broke. Kristie realized she was breathing hard. She wished she could have him, right here in her bed, but she didn’t dare. Her fingers were wrapped up in his shirt, as if she could tear through it herself. Gray’s own hands were moving along her back, wiggling toward her sweatpants. Kristie moved her hips slightly in response. She could hear the clatter of dishes downstairs. She knew she should pull away, but didn’t. Gray moved his fingers to her underwear and then moved downward. The blankets were covering his hands in case anyone came inside. He wiggled his fingers underneath the fabric of her underwear. Kristie lay back down, looking up at the ceiling, tension wrapped up in every muscle. Gray’s fingers gently ran down to her clit. The sensation made her break out into shivers, and she shut her eyes tightly. Gray moved his finger along her wetness before sliding one inside of her. Kristie whimpered in pleasure as he began to finger her under the covers. She bit her bottom lip and rocked gently against his finger. He was moving his thumb against her clit as well. The pleasure was heightened for Kristie by Gray’s ragged breathing. Her heart hammered in her chest, telling her to stop – telling her it was wrong. But as the pleasure increased, the nagging voice in her head faded away. Soon all she could focus on was how good it felt to have Gray touch her like this. He began to move faster. Kristie kept her mouth shut, knowing if she opened it, she’d make too much noise. Part of her wished they were alone so she could have Gray fully. But she would take this. The moonlight spilling across the bed, the silence of her bedroom, Gray’s breathing – Kristie would take all of it to feel his fingers pumping inside of her. She could feel herself on the brink of o****m. Hurry, before they wonder why Gray is taking so long. Her eyes fluttered open, and she locked eyes with Gray. He was staring at her, drinking her in, a look of dazed pleasure on his face as he watched her. Seeing him like this was enough to push her over the edge. She whimpered and suddenly her o****m was rolling over her. It was slow, almost leisurely, in the way it over took her body so completely. Kristie tried to control her breathing as she came, riding out the o****m. Finally, she lay against the bed, out of breath, her head spinning. Gray removed his hand and looked at her. He was going to say something when a voice called out from down the hallway, “Everything okay in there?” her mother asked. Gray snapped his hand away from Kristie and stood up suddenly, walking over to her bedroom door almost two steps at a time. He opened it and slid out, shutting the door behind him. “Yes, sorry. She was sleeping and then I was getting her some water from the bathroom tap.” “Does she want a bottle instead?” her mom asked, concerned. “No, she’s asleep,” Gray lied. The two voices faded as they walked down the stairs. Kristie lay there, very still, waiting for Gray to come back. They needed to talk about what just happened. Now that her head was clear of desire, the implications of what they had done were settling in on her, making her panic. But Gray never came back. Instead, five minutes later, she heard the unmistakable sound of his bike’s engines starting up and then roaring away, leaving Kristie behind.
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