2689 Words

“What’s the matter—too much sun?” he asked. “I—I’m all right,” she said jerkily. “Yo’re mighty white, ma’am. I’ll help yuh down and git yuh in the shade. A derned old wagon is the hottest place on earth, anyway. We’ll git some water for yuh.” She walked shakily into the store, where Whispering secured a cup of cold water for her. The proprietor of the store was solicitous, but helpless. “Oh, I’m all right now,” she said weakly. “You set right here,” advised Whispering. “I’ll go up to the bank and git them cheques, and I’ll tell Grant about it. I know him well. You jist take it easy. Give Jim Albers here yore grub list, and he’ll fix it up while I’m away.” Nan was more than thankful to Whispering. She didn’t want to go out on the street. It was cool in that dark corner of the store, a

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