The clearing

1309 Words
Zion I made my way out of the huge dwelling and found a trail. My plan was simple follow it until it either ended or I got tired. I needed to clear my thoughts. I had Annesha and her scent on my mind, but I also had the nagging feeling in my gut about Regina's arrival. I began with a light jog paying attention to everything that surrounded me. Like the fact that they had surveillance cameras set up watching the trail. I thought it was odd and kept going. I was about a mile in when I saw that the tree line opened up ahead. I wanted to release my wolf so bad but these were not my lands and my wolf was way larger than most Alpha’s so I decided against it. Instead I forged ahead to the area full of sun light. Once I burst through the tree line I came to a clearing the size of two football fields. It was filled with wild flowers and I saw that beautiful bushy head of curls walking down the center of the field. I knew instantly who it was as her scent floated to my nose. Even with her back to me I was able to admire her beauty. The way her hips swayed with her voluptuous figure I was in a daze. With my keen hearing I heard her murmuring words just low enough for me to make out a soft song. You are so beautiful, you make everything so perfect. A wonderful sight to behold. I noticed as she stretched her hands out all of the wild flowers leaned in her direction. As though they were responding to her song. Suddenly, the wind shifted and she turned in my direction. Our eyes meant and she looked a little surprised. I smiled at her and watched her hold her head down. Before I knew it my feet were moving and I stood an arms length away from her. "I, I couldn't sleep" I said sounding goofy. "I see." was her only response. I the next Alpha of my pack was nervous. it was an unfamiliar feeling for me. I always had Regina so I never was interested in any other shewolves. I didn't have to do the whole flirting thing or the chase like my brother's had. "Is this your field of flowers?" I asked instantly wishing it came out better. This caused her to smile revealing dimples on both of her cheeks. "Well technically it belongs to the Alpha but it's a special place for me. I like to come here and think sometimes. Other times I spend time reading over there." She said pointing at a gazebo that had pillows and bedding on it. "Oh, that looks comfortable." I replied. "I guess, it's perfect for me. Ugh where is your escort?" She asked with a confused look. "Well, my Beta and a few others went on a tour but my Delta fell asleep and I didn't want to wake him. I just needed to burn some energy off." I said surprised myself with the truthful explanation. "Yeah, I saw your Beta about thirty minutes ago. He was with my brothers Beta." I watched as she tucked a lock of her curls behind her ear causing my Wolf to become interested in the conversation. Ask her were her mate is? Kameron my wolf wanted to know. I will not ask that question Kam. She perfect mate for Kam. he said getting excited. Will you chill the f**k out damn I just meant the girl and Lila will be our mate. I said speaking of Regina's wolf. Kam don't like Lila she too small and scrawny I bet her wolf big enough to handle Kam. "Hum, are you okay?" Annesha asked bringing me back to our conversation. "I'm sorry I was just thinking that is all. What kind of books do you enjoy reading?" I asked trying my best to save face. She tilted her head to the left and showed her dimples again. "Well, I like reading everything. Books about history, and politics old novels and my favorite is romances." She said without hesitation. "That's interesting, I read a lot as well but usually it's about history and politics for educational purposes." I said in response. "My father has a vast libary." "Does he? I spend most of my free time in the libary. I'd love to see what books he has." She said as she began to walk. I automatically began to follow her. I couldn't help but to admire her chestnut completion or the way the three stars on her temple moved as she spoke. I swore they were twinkling at me. I didn't even realize she lead me back to the trail I came from. "We really should be getting back it will be lunch soon and my Luna made me promise to help her host the meals." She said. I noticed she was very comfortable with me as we continue to discuss different books we both read. Once we arrived back outside of the dwelling she said. "Your very well read Alpha Zion you will be a great leader one day soon." As she smiled at me again causing a million different emotions on the inside of me. Kam still wanted me to ask his question. "I am sure you will make a trusted companion to the Alpha that makes you his Luna." I responded with a smirk. Then just as quickly we were surrounded by men of both packs. The commotion caused the help from inside to come out as well. "Annesha are you okay!" one the men asked with a concerned look in his eyes. She looked angry. I knew the look he was giving her its the same look that I've seen countless rejected wolves give when a possible mate arrives. "What the hell is wrong with you today? Can't you get it through your thick skull you are not my protector? You are my brothers Beta you ass." She let it go on him. I noted flower pots tembling and the yard furniture was shaking. Those that came out ran back inside. the wind picked up and I knew it was all her doing. I reached out and touched the small of her back pulling her to stand behind me. I noticed she calmed instantly. "Beta Seven is it?" i asked in a condescending tone. "Do you really mean to insult me asking her if she is alright? Do you think I'm some savage creature that would disrespect the daughter of the Regions Alpha in some way?" I asked controlling my own murderous thoughts. "I , I ugh I didn't mean to be offensive Alpha Zion. Annesha was supposed to have returned a while ago. That's all. I didn't mean anything more." Beta Ruben spoke sounding more like a b***h then I originally thought. The Luna came to the door and surveyed the scene before speaking. "Annesha there you go love. Please go freshen up before lunch. Thank you for escorting my child back from her field Alpha Zion. Alpha Obsidian taught you very well on how to be a perfect gentleman." She smiled but it did reach her eyes. "That will be all Seven." dismissing him as she turned away returning to her home. "Do you need me to lead you back to your quarters?" Annesha asked. "I'll find my way thank you. I will see you at lunch." I said right before I caught another glance at her right dimple. I watched as she ran into the opulent Pack house and disappeared. Beta Ruben and his other worthless flunky's walked away as well. "I think this going to be an interesting summit my Beta said as he led the way back into the pack house.
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