
569 Words
Regina I knew I needed to get to the summit no matter what my own Alpha and Luna said. I over heard my mother and the others talking about the prophecy about the love of my life Zion. I have known about it my whole life except for the part about his divine counter part being born on the same day as him. My birthday was two months ago and if what they are saying is true then Zion is not my mate. I will never get the chance to be Luna of our pack and my entire life will be less then I dreamed of. So I had to come up with a plan to get to the summit and used my Father to help me. Sometimes it seemed he wanted me to become a Luna more than I did. He always made sure I was around Zion. He had countless conversations about how happy he'd be if I was to aquire the heart of the next Alpha. My father was the only other person I loved as much as Zion. I tried to remain calm and non chalant when Zion came to say goodbye. I was already working on my plan. I couldn't answer my phone when he called over a few dozen times. If he knew what I know then he may not have wasted his time on me to begin with. I could hear the distraction in his voice when i was finally able to get a good signal. He didn't sound unhappy but he wasn't his normal upbeat self either. All I could do was hope that I still had his heart. When we arrived to the compound I was amazed at how large it was. I thought we would be taken to our Alpha but instead we were ushered to a dormitory styled building forcing me to share a room with several of the other shewolves that came to assist in the summit. "Excuse me, I need to see Alpha Zion." I stated flatly to the escort that lead us to our quarters. "Sorry, I have strict orders to bring you here. We will serve you dinner downstairs in the kitchen right off of the dayroom in thirty minutes" He said as he walked away. "I am Alpha Zion's girlfriend." I shouted at his back. "Sorry miss I can't disobey my Alpha." He said before disappearing down the corridor. Disobey his Alpha! What the hell is going on. I am sure Alpha Obsidian didn't know I was here. Why would they keep me from seeing Zion. I wondered to myself. I handed my things to one of the helpers so she could put my things away and found my cell phone so I could call Zion myself and inform him of my treatment. I dialed his number and listened as it rang several times before it went to his voice-mail. I hung up and dialed three more times with the same results. "This is bullshit!" I fumed to myself aloud. "What's wrong Regina?" Ashley asked. "I can't contact Zion I don't even know where to find him." I said to my only friend in the group. "I am sure our next Alpha is busy. Don't worry we will have to see him in the morning." She said. I never responded. Something was happening and from here I'd never be able to stop it.
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