Chapter Two: Change

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It took me a while but I finally stood up off of the icy ground. I took my phone and created a new f******k account. Once I did all the necessary setups I looked the page up and for once I stood up for myself. I reported the page. I felt proud of myself and for a few minutes it felt like a ton of bricks were lifted off of my shoulders. I grabbed my noodles from the microwave and headed to the living room. I switched on the tv and dimmed the lights. I logged into Netflix and looked for a movie to watch. Once I found a James Bond movie I was in seventh heaven. I quickly ran and grabbed my pillow and blanket from my room. I placed my stuff one side and grabbed my noodles. I pressed play and started chowing on my noodles.  I finished my noodles and set my bowl one side and grabbed my pillow. I lay down pulling my blanket over me the movie capturing my mind and transporting me into the world of spies. My mom had been the one to get me addicted to James Bond. She gave me her copy of Dr No and made sure that whenever my dad was working that we would binge watch all the movies. It was the time I adored most with her. She would tell me how handsome the actor was or she'd ask which actor I preferred. The once we got into an argument because I thought Pierce Brosnan was better looking than Roger Moore. She ended up not speaking to me for a full two weeks. When my dad asked why we were acting strange my mom turned to him and dramatically said that they had raised a traitor. My dad had laughed and asked me smiling if I said someone was better looking than Roger Moore. I was shocked but nodded smiling.  Those were the good old days. Now I'm lucky if I see my dad in the mornings for five minutes. It's difficult to think that so much can change in just two years. Our family suppers had been thrown out the window and anything that belonged to my mom was locked up in a room somewhere. The only thing I had left of her that my dad didn't know of was the book. Her book goes with me everywhere. I don't know how many times I've read it just to feel close to her again. The book still smelt like her favourite perfume. It smelt like a mixture of roses and vanilla. It sounds like an odd mixture but it smelt good, it smelt like love and warmth.  *                                                                                         *                                                                               * I don't know when I fell asleep but I definitely know when I woke up. A jug of ice cold water met my warm cocoon and I was up immediately hands by my side, just like my father had taught me. "Staying up late to watch a ridiculous movie on a school night, Christina? Is this how I raised you?" My dad's tone is filled with disgust and I shrink beneath his words. I can't let it show, it would only worsen the situation. "No Father. I'm sorry I lost track of time." "This will be the last time, understood." "Yes, Father." I gather up my things running to the kitchen. I quickly wash my dishes and retreat to my room, quietly saying goodnight to my dad. I put my phone on charge and get ready for bed.  Once I snuggle into my bed I'm whisked away to my sleepy paradise. He is in my dreams the boy from French. The boy who seemed to be carved right out of my dreams but out of my nightmares too. He doesn't stay quiet this time we talk about anything and everything. An easy friendship blooms... *                                                                                            *                                                                                      * My alarm goes off and immediately I start my day. My dad was a drill sergeant when I was younger so it stuck by me. My routine was to eat breakfast, shower, brush teeth, get dressed, pack my bag and head out to school. Today I felt like a change. I did all the things I had too but instead of not wearing make-up and jewellery I gave them a shot. I wore my light blue jeans with a slightly silver sparkling top. As for my make-up I made silver and blue smoky eyes. Which seemed to compliment my eyes with a pale pink lipstick mixed with lip gloss to give it that shiny look. I took out my diamond butterfly earrings and put them on, along with the matching necklace. I took one last look in the mirror and then disappeared through the door.  I pulled into the nearest open parking space and mustered up all my courage. I opened my door looking around carefully before opening it. I grabbed my bag and headed to register with Mrs Candi. She was one of my favourite teachers. I had English and register with her. She had a way with Shakespearean plays. She truly brought them alive especially when she would call a group of us up to recite a few lines. At first I had hated the idea but she had made her class bully free which meant I could let my love for drama out, without having people make rude comments. Well at least in class afterwards no one could help me.  When I reached the classroom everyone was staring at me. I quickly rushed to my seat in the back and put my headphones on. When no one uttered a word I was relieved. It was the first time in ages that they'd left me alone...
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