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MORGAN’S POV I noticed the moment she noticed my brooch and frowned. I looked down at the pricey jewellery and smiled. "Do you like it?" I leaned in, getting closer to her ear. Lowering my voice, I whispered, "It's actually fake, borrowed it from a friend" She nodded and pulled back, her face flushing. "Yeah, uh, it looks real;"' she said, pulling her hand from my arm and stepping away. I was happy my little lie had worked. Otherwise, how would i explain wearing a brooch worth two million when I was trying to pass off as poor? I was also confused as my bride withdrew from me, as if suddenly shy of our closeness. Mh. Was she putting up a show? According to my source, the eldest daughter of the Luciano's family was anything but demure. I had expected to meet a bold seductress. But my bride seemed to be doing her best to avoid my gaze, and now, she was putting physical distance between us. Before I could think of a way to draw her from her shell, the woman who had attempted to waylay me appeared, a man in tow. "Hello, Morgan " she greeted me, a tight smile on her lips. "I'm Cindy, Eve’s sister. This is Jake, my boyfriend." Jake appraised her casually. Now, this was the kind of reaction I had expected to get from the eldest daughter of the Luciano's family. A woman who looks at me with apparent desire in her eyes. Not one who blushed so easily and avoided my eyes. But, wasn't she being a little too obvious in front of her sister? Not to mention she was with her boyfriend. I gave a cursory glance at my bride, only to find that her expression had changed. Her flustered look was gone, and now, she was staring at the two with a closed-off attitude. Does she not like them? Jake turned his attention to Eve, looking a bit squeamish. "Eve..uh, you look beautiful!” I caught a slight tightening in Eve's jaw as if she was grinding her teeth. When she didn't pay attention to him, he stepped back to Cindy’s side. “I heard that you're jobless. It must have cost a lot to hire that suit. But don't worry, since we are going to be family now, my boyfriend can offer you a job at his company'" Cindy told him before turning to Jake. "Right, babe?" Eve bristled at her sister's shamelessness. How dare she say something like that?. She looked towards me, afraid that Cindy's attitude had offended me. She was surprised to find me regarding the two with a slight lift of my mouth, not looking offended at all. In fact, I looked more amused than anything. I guess what came out of my mouth surprised her even more. "Thanks for the offer, but I would rather be an idler, than work for you." Cindy huffed, turning her nose up in the air. "So much pride does not suit a poor man. Are you planning on living on my sister's money?” Just then, Eve stepped forward and got in her sister's face. "That's enough, Cindy. We'd like to begin the ceremony now." Cindy scoffed but still stepped back. "Good luck with your pauper" she said as she dragged Jake with her towards the exit. I noticed that Eve was happy to see them go. The day was already unpleasant enough without having to see their faces. With Cindy gone, the ceremony started and proceeded smoothly. Nobody from my family showed up, but Eve decided that was a non-issue. What mattered to her was that the agreement between the two families was now fulfilled. After bidding farewell to our guests, it was finally time for me to bring Eve to our new home. I was relieved the ceremony was over. Now, all that remained was to take my bride home to show her the kind of life she was about to begin living. If i was lucky, she would cancel the marriage as soon as possible and set me free. That way I would have fulfilled my mother's last wish to marry the eldest daughter of the Luciano's family. It wouldn't be on me if she hated my lifestyle and divorced me.. According to what I had heard about the Luciano's eldest daughter, she would probably not even want to spend a night in the small house I had prepared. We finally got home. Looking at the expression on Eve’s face, she doesn't look like one that was disgusted to live in such a house. I was even more surprised when she walked into the small, old house and told me that it looked nice. Although it was a tidy house, it was more like a studio apartment. Everything from the bedroom to the living room and the kitchen was all arranged together. The Luciano's lived in a huge mansion. So how could she be so calm about the arrangement?. “Where is my bedroom?”, she asked as she looked around her new home, she thought that it was inconvenient. She had hoped to have a separate bedroom from me, but it seemed as if that wasn't an option. “Hmm.. sorry to disappoint you, but it just a room “, I replied. Seeing the new home, she should have known that it was just a one bedroom apartment. Well, there was only one room and one bed. In fact, it looked so much like the servants quarters tucked away at the back of her family's compound. EVE’S POV on arriving at my new home, I wasn't surprised to see it. After all I had already known that he wasn't financially fit. But I must confess that he really was a neat guy. What was I even thinking as I asked for my own room. It was clear that it was just a one bedroom apartment. So what was the need to have asked for my separate room. Practically, there was nothing luxurious about it. But at least it looked nice. While it was a far cry from my family's mansion, it looked homely and tidy enough. The size wasn't an issue to me. Because, before Jeffery and Morgana had adopted me, I had lived at the orphanage, sharing a dorm with many other girls. I had learned from a young age to be thankful for having a roof over my head. Not many orphans were as lucky as I was. Well I had just one problem about this new home of mine, which was the bed. The one bed...that was the real issue. There wasn't even any extra space where I could move in an extra bed for myself. Just then, my eyes landed on the three-seater sofa in the house. I guess I could fit there, right?. While I took in my new home, Morgan moved to the bed and removed his jacket. Maybe I was okay with the house, but had I thought about the mechanics of the entire arrangement?. There wasn't much privacy in the room. We would be sharing a bed, a bathroom, and everything else. Would I be able to maintain my cool if he undressed in front of me?. MORGAN'S POV As I reached for my tie, I turned around to face her. She was beautiful, that much was clear. Her black hair was gathered at the top of her head in some kind of fancy bun. The few strands at the front, were untamed, framing her round face. She was actually kind of cute too. I shook my head at that thought. Cute?. Besides, I didn't care whether she was cute, hot, or plain ugly. I wasn't planning on staying married to her for long. I saw the moment her eyes reverted to me as I unbuttoned my shirt. Just then, she blushed instantly and turned away, muttering apologies. “Sorry, sorry”, I smirked, finding her reaction amusing. She faced the wall and even brought her hands up to cover her eyes. We were going to be sharing this house from today onwards. So was that how she was going to react any time I changed?. She was bound to see my naked body at some point. "No need for the apology. Would you like to take a shower first?" I asked her.
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