12 - Too many questions

1396 Words

Lyric I stare, unblinking, at Isla. I think I’m a bit in shock. She did just say that she’s Thane’s wife, right? That the baby in her arms is Thane’s daughter? What the f.uck am I supposed to do with that? How could he bring me here, knowing his wife would seek me out? Did Thane think he could keep us apart forever? That I’d never meet his child? That I wouldn’t feel it if he was intimate with Isla? Why did he make all those promises? Call me his Queen? ‘None of this makes any sense, Lyric.’ ‘I know that, Aspen. Goddess, I am so confused. Why would he lie to us, Aspen?’ ‘I don’t know, Lyric. I wish I did, but I don’t. Can’t you sense any lies coming from this woman?’ I swallow past the lump in my throat while trying to read Isla for lies. But I feel as though I’m stuck; my po

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