32 - Well, well, well

1639 Words

Blaze “Well, that’s all of them.” Thane scrubs his hands over his face with a sigh. My cousin looks exhausted. It’s been a long day, and Lyric’s breakdown when Thane told her The Witch had escaped didn’t help. The whole castle shook with her screams of anger. Goddess knows we all heard it on the training ground. I don’t know what Thane said to calm her down, but he was here when he said he would be, so I assume Lyric is okay now. Maybe that’s wishful thinking, but she’s calm, at least. It seems the fifteen dungeon guards left alive are all innocent. We interrogated them, pushing them for truthful answers, and not one person hesitated. None participated in the s.exual assault of prisoners, nor were they aware of anyone else doing so. None saw the masked, cloaked, and all-in-black person

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