Chapter 2

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"Do you live alone?" Julia asked, wanting to know more about Craig and also listen to his mesmerizing voice. "Kinda, yes. But Tyler comes to spend some nights here, to keep me company" he replied. "Don't you get too lonely?" she continued, but regretted asking that when she saw a glint of both sadness and pain in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that" she apologized. Craig didn't need to answer that question, especially to a stranger, even though she sounded concerned. Whatever he was going through was his fault, so he has to face it alone. "Um. Have you had anything to eat?" she asked, wanting to change the subject and ease the current atmosphere. Making dinner is the least she could do for someone as generous as he is. "Not yet. I had planned on ordering pizza, but the rain won't let that happen" he replied. "Do you mind if I make something for dinner?" she suggested. Craig pondered on her words for sometime, considering the fact that she was supposed to be his guest. Julia noticed that he was internally struggling to give her a reply. She knew it was too soon for him to let a total stranger have her way around his home, but she wasn't a dangerous person and making dinner was her way of saying thank you for letting her into his home. "I know you don't trust me, but please don't say no. It's the least I can do for you." "It's not that. I should be the one offering you dinner as my guest, so you'll be very comfortable, not to stress you with making dinner." "I'm already comfortable thanks to you, but can you just pretend that I'm no stranger but your friend, so we can have dinner. I'm sure you must be hungry, cos I am." Craig couldn't help but smile at her request. "Okay" he replied. "Take the door to your right, you'll find the dinning room. The kitchen is just beside it." he explained. "Okay." she replied, getting on her feet and heading for the kitchen, leaving Craig alone in the living room. After thirty minutes, Julia came back to the living room. "Dinner is served!" she said, excitement laced in her voice. "Okay." he replied, standing up on his feet. Julia unconsciously tried to help him by holding his hand, taking Craig by surprise. She quickly withdrew as soon as she realized what she did. "I'm sorry." she quietly apologized. He only nodded in reply and continued his journey to the living room. Julia mentally slapped herself for being stupid. What was she thinking? That he wouldn't know his way around his own home? Besides, he was the one who single handedly took her to the bedroom and gave her change of clothes, her subconsciousness told her. She only hoped he wasn't offended by her action. But, thinking about it, she swore she felt a spark when she held his hand. "Stop thinking such nonsense, Julia, so you don't make things more awkward than it is." she whispered to herself. Maybe she imagined feeling a spark because of the cold. She let out a heavy sigh before going to join him at the dinner table. "This is tasty" Craig said as they ate. Julia had prepared chicken noodles for dinner. "Thanks. But, this is practically the only thing I can make besides sandwich." she replied, making them laugh. "I learnt how to make it while in college. I was famished and it was quite late that day. I didn't want to go out ,so I took my roommate's cookery book and searched for the easiest dish." she continued. "It wasn't as easy as I thought. It tasted like crap the first time I tried to make it. But, after several attempts, I finally got it right and I made a promise to myself not to learn any other dish, cos I might not be as lucky as I was with this one." Craig listened to Julia with much interest. He couldn't help wondering how she felt so free and relaxed talking about her experience when she barely knew him, and she didn't even feel awkward talking to a blind man. She spoke with much enthusiasm, that he could actually imagine her every move from the sound of her voice. She had a beautiful voice and he knew she would be as beautiful as her voice, making him wish he wasn't blind. Why was he suddenly interested in seeing the face of this stranger? He wondered to himself. Deciding to take his mind of that, he instead paid attention to what she was saying. They were done with dinner. Julia did the dishes in the kitchen before going to the living room to join Craig. "I called Tyler and asked him to come with someone who'll fix your car when he drops by tomorrow morning." Craig said. "Thanks. You've helped me a whole lot. How would I ever repay you?" she said with a cheery voice. "It's nothing" he replied, then there was silence between them. Julia couldn't stop herself from wondering how he got blind. Was he born that way? It itched her to ask, but she had to refrain herself from asking because she wouldn't want to bring up a topic as delicate as that. But, at the same time, she was glad he couldn't see her, not that she was happy he was blind, but it gave her the opportunity to take in his facial features without being accused of being rude or without being creepy by staring too much. "You've got a beautiful place" she said, breaking the silence once more. "Thanks. I got it three years ago" he replied "That means you're still new here. I could tell by your accent that you're not from these parts" "I'm from England, but have lived in the states for over five years" "Wow!" Julia exclaimed. Craig internally contemplated if he should or shouldn't tell Julia about the incident that made him lose his sight. He knew she would be curious to know, but wouldn't want to see too inquisitive. "I ended up like this after getting involved in an accident." he began, after deciding to go ahead and tell her. Julia was taken by surprise. She couldn't believe he would want to talk about such a matter as personal as that to her, a total stranger, but she was happy that he was willing to tell her. She decided not to say anything but let him continue. Craig took a deep breath and continued. "I was drunk that night and was returning from a club... I admit it was my fault, which is why I'm paying for my mistakes." he concluded. Julia felt sad hearing Craig blame himself for what befell him. "It was an accident. You're not supposed to blame yourself cos you had no idea it would happen." she said, hoping to make him think differently and not take the blame all on himself. "I wish you were right." was his only reply. Craig knew it was all his fault. If only he wasn't living recklessly in the past, this tragedy wouldn't have befallen him. The people he regarded as friends back then are no where to be found. They all deserted him, leaving him to face his fate alone. That has taught him a really big lesson. He was grateful he still had that one true friend who had been and is still there for him in his helpless state. "You aren't going to heal if you keep blaming yourself... You have to let go of the past, so you can move on." Julia said, bringing him out of his thoughts. He had totally forgotten about her presence. "Thanks." he replied, forcing a smile. He didn't want to go on with the conversation, so he decided it was time to end it. "Good night" he said to Julia, got on his feet and headed for his bedroom, to try to get some sleep. "Good night" she quietly replied as she watched him leave the living room. Was it possible that she has fallen for this stranger? She was one who never believed in love at first sight, because she thinks it only happens in fairytale movies, but with today's event, she has started to think otherwise. Or maybe, she was only intrigued by him. That must be the reason, she concluded before turning off the lights and also going to bed.
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