Chapter 2: Distressed Planner

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My mind pounded in alarm and I found myself gripping my knee under the table to stop it from bouncing. My throat turned dry and a lump formed in my throat. Normally, my work was my sanctuary, my happy place, and something I devoted my life to. But, when my inner sanctum of peace was invaded by that revolting holiday, I felt my world crumbling underneath my feet. “A Christmas wedding? But why?” I blurted out before I had a chance to sugar coat it or knock my displeasure down a notch. The couple jolted in surprise, eyeing each other before turning their attention back at me, all in a split second and finally, Mr. William broke the brief silence, “Excuse me?” “What Amber meant to say was, what made you choose to be wed on Christmas? Right, Amber?” Mr. Bennet nudged me under the table and eyed me with a glare, leading me to respond with a nod like a puppet. “Well, we both actually originate from a little town in Gaston County, North Carolina called McAdenville. Throughout our lifetime there, we were surrounded by a loving community and close-knit relationships. Then, when the holidays came around, especially Christmas, the people went all out and made our small lovable town into a Christmas Winter Wonderland, every year without fail,” Ms. Reyna explained, her lips curling into a smile as she reminisced about her childhood. Mr. Williams looked at her with love and wrapped an arm around her shoulder before continuing where she left off, “in fact, we had our first date there and years later, I proposed under the giant tree in the middle of the square.” “So, you see, Christmas and our birth town have a special place in our hearts. What better way to seal our love in the bond of holy matrimony than in the very land that brought us together?” Ms. Reyna expressed, resting her head on her fiancé’s shoulder. “You’re such a sweet couple,” I said, pure awe radiating on my face. “So, I believe we have everything we need for now. Is there anything else you would like to request?” Mr. Bennet asked, clearing his throat. “Not really but if I do, later on, I will contact Amber.” Ms. Reyna looked at me for confirmation and I nodded with approval. “I know that it’s short notice and that you only have a little over three weeks to plan everything. There were some pressing issues and we decided to bring forward the wedding. But, don’t worry, it’s a small town and it’s a moderate-sized wedding,” Mr. William assured and the mention of his undersized timeline made me gulp nervously. Deep down, I knew he was right and usually, it was easy to pull it off if done well, but that was the case for weddings that didn’t involve festivities, especially the dreaded Christmas. Even though I didn’t prefer it, I wished it was any other holiday like Thanksgiving or New Year’s Day, even Halloween would be better, or just anything else. However, the universe and its twisted nature had dropped a Christmas wedding on my lap instead. “Shall we order lunch?” Mr. William’s voice broke my chain of thought. The four of us ordered our lunch and spent the next hour eating as we discussed other wedding details. Soon, the time came for us to disperse and I found myself walking back to the office with Mr. Bennet. “Listen, Amber, I’ve known you for quite some time and I know your reservations about Christmas. That was the reason I assigned the project to Dave but due to some unforeseen circumstances, he can’t take on the wedding.” Sighing deeply, I turned to him and nodded my head respectfully, “I understand, Mr. Bennet.” “I’m glad you do. I would have assigned this to someone else but the bride and groom are actually famous influencers as well. With such prominence and possible publicity at stake, I have to assign them to my best employee—you.” Mr. Bennet stopped in front of the office doors and looked at me for an answer, his forehead furrowed in worry. Taking a deep breath, I looked him in the eye and gave him my word, “I will try my best to push my feelings aside and give them a remarkable wedding, Mr. Bennet. It won’t be easy but I promise that I will try my very best. I just hope that I am doing the right thing. ~.~ Resting a tray of snacks and drinks on the glass table, I looked around the room again, ensuring everything was in order. It had been two days since my new project was assigned to me and the wedding couple wanted to go over a few more details and I suggested a meeting at my own turf—the office. Right on cue, the meeting room intercom buzzed and I headed out to the reception to welcome them. However, instead of the wedding couple, Ms. Reyna stood there in anticipation while another blond lady looked around the office with uncertainty. “Amber! Hi! Thanks for agreeing to meet us on such short notice.” Ms. Reyna gripped my hand gratefully as soon as I walked through the door. A smile appeared on my face instantly and I led them to the nearby meeting room, “no problem, Ms. Reyna. Welcome to where the magic happens. Come, have a seat.” “Reyna, please. We’re going to be spending a lot of time with each other. Anyway, Amber, this is Bethany, my best friend, and maid of honor.” The blushing bride nudged her friend forward and Bethany’s lips formed a thin smile. Extending my hand forward, I greeted the fresh but unfriendly face, “it’s a pleasure to meet you, Bethany.” “Likewise,” she replied, slowly retreating her hand back after shaking mine. Brushing her attitude aside, we all made ourselves comfortable, and soon, Reyna was gushing out everything I needed to know about the wedding, without hesitancy nor uncertainty. “So, besides Bethany, my two sisters will be my bridesmaids and they are flying out to North Carolina on Friday.” Reyna broke off a tiny piece from the cookie and popped it into her mouth. “Okay, so there would be three ladies on your side, and what about the groomsmen?” I questioned, jotting down every important detail into my journal. “You will meet Sam, the best man, in McAdenville. He’s just finishing up a meeting in Seattle along with the other best man, Kenny. The third best man is my brother, Nick, who lives in McAdenville,” Reyna explained in detail like a speeding train and my hand desperately tried to catch up. The enthusiastic bride finally took a break to sip on her lemonade and I took the opportunity to wrap my hand around my ice-cold glass, exhaling in relief. Despite focusing on my tiresome fingers, the corner of my eye still caught sight of Bethany who was eyeing me cautiously, much to my discomfort. Her behavior stirred up doubt within me in the next three weeks that I was to be spending with her. Reyna lowered her glass on the table and cleared her throat before continuing, “then there are our parents, who are already there and now are catching up with their visiting friends. I just hope they are getting this organized there.” “Relax, Rey. Deep breaths. All will be fine,” Bethany reassured, patting her hand comfortingly. “We’d appreciate it if you can fly out there as soon as possible to get things up and running,” Reyna requested with a pleading smile on her otherwise glowing face. Crossing my legs, I rested my hands on my lap in a confident manner, “as soon as I have everything planned and in order, I will be on the next flight out. I promise.” “I’m sorry if I’m being such a bridezilla. I am trying not to worry but, I am sure you can handle it and that you will rock it.” Reyna breathed a sigh of relief and exchanged a brief look of determination with her maid of honor. “Ms. Amber, I hope you don’t mind me asking you this, but have you planned a Christmas wedding before?” Bethany asked rather bluntly, her narrowed gaze fixated on mine. Calming my racing heart, I took a deep breath and answered her with composure, “to be honest, I haven’t worked on a Christmas wedding or any other festive wedding before, but I assure you that I will give you my best work, as I do for all my clients.” “I have faith in you and so does Will. Here, I believe that this will help you. This is all our choices, alternatives, ideas, and everything that has to do with the wedding.” Reyna pulled out a huge red binder with green Christmas trees stickers and their name on it. Flipping through it briefly, lists and names caught my eye but my gaze fixated on the pictures of ornaments, decorations, flowers, and everything and I mean everything that has to do with Christmas—a Christmastrophy. This is way too much of Christmas that I can handle. ****** FYI, this book will be leaving Dreame on 13th December 2021 and will no longer be free after that. So, please read it before then! Thanks for all the love and support! ******
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