Still On Top

2015 Words

Hawk’s POV I can feel Derry’s joy through the bond. I smile at the feeling, happy in the knowledge she is finally having some fun. I have had to dull my link to her, it's too tempting to just sit and watch her day through her, to live every moment with her. I'm obsessed with that woman, as I should be, but I also have a pack to run and my son to look after. Trying to juggle my new responsibilities as a father and a mate whilst also keeping up with the pack is something I'm struggling with. Especially with the new developments and my Beta out-of-town tracking Autumn. Oakley settles after his feed and I have to pull myself away from just staring at him. He’s the most perfect boy, the face of an angel that I could watch forever. I pull out my phone and dial Colt. “Hi boss, I was just about

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