New And Improved.

2266 Words

Mickey’s POV. I stand in front of the full-length mirror in my apartment. My eyes rove over my reflection. I smirk, I look good, and my outfit mirrors my mood. Gone is the fragile little Mickey. Tonight I’m the badass cousin of their Luna. I'm going to this dinner to give them hell. I might as well look like that's exactly where I came from. The intricate pattern of the tattoo on my chest peeks out just above the collar of my black T-shirt. The tattoo was a new addition after Stone left me. I want him to see it, I want both of them to see it and know I'm not the same person they've been watching in Stone’s memories. I look down at my hands, they look bare. I take out my rune printing kit and add two runes to the back of one hand. One for strength and one for courage. They look like tatto

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