Time To Run.

1272 Words

Derry’s POV. I lay nervously in the darkened ultrasound room, praying this will be the moment they say the doctor was wrong and there’s nothing in there. Then I feel guilty for wishing a baby away. The ultrasound technician squirts warm gel onto my tummy and begins moving the wand across my skin. I hold my breath. “Oh that’s definitely a baby, congratulations mummy. Do you want to see?” She says excitedly. I can’t stop it, the tears burst from me, and I sob uncontrollably. The technician hands me some tissues with a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry if that wasn’t the news you were hoping for. At this stage your options are limited but the doctor will discuss all that with you. Let’s get some measurements and check the little one over and then you can decide what to do later. The most impo

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