Face Of A Wolf

1909 Words

Derry’s POV. Raised voices wake me with a fright. It’s still dark. I can’t have slept more than an hour. Oakley starts to cry. “Now look what you’ve done,” Hawk shouts. “Is that a baby in there,” a familiar female voice says. “Just leave, I’ll explain everything tomorrow,” Hawk responds. “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on,” the female voice demands. Is that Rose? I shuffle out of bed and open the door. Hawk lets out a sigh and Rose gasps. “Oh moons, Hawk, what have you done?” Rose cries, rushing to me and wrapping her arms around me. “Mother, let me introduce you to my mate and your grandson,” Hawks says with a frustrated eye roll. “Help me,” I whisper to Rose. She gives me a reassuring squeeze. “Hawk, you’ve completely lost your mind, now I’m taking this poor gi

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