The Alphas Duty.

1246 Words
Hawk’s POV 12:00AM. It’s officially been 8 days since I saw her. It’s been 13 minutes since I telepathically soothed her to sleep and zero seconds since I thought about her. My pack are doubting me, my life is falling apart and all I can think about is her. Pounding at my door startles me, I didn’t hear anyone approach. Yet again, too distracted by her to be aware of my surroundings. I climb out of bed with a sigh, the scent of my father alerting me to who my late night visitor is. I unlock the door and swing it open, not waiting for greetings and just walking to my kitchen to grab a beer. “What the hell is going on son, the other elders are not happy,” the concern evident in my dad's voice. I crack open my beer and take a swig before turning to answer him. “I found my true mate,” “What? How? That’s amazing, I’m so happy for you,” he beams with glee. “Where is she?” He looks around the room like he somehow missed her here. “She’s in Moon Stone pack territory,” I sigh. “Oh that’s great, did you already arrange with Alpha Stone to transfer her to us? Is she coming alone or bringing family? Your mother is going to be delighted when I…” “She’s human.” I cut him off. The joy in his face quickly turning to disappointment and disbelief. “Don’t be ridiculous Hawk. You know that’s impossible. Are you insane?” “I don’t know dad. I thought I was, but it’s all too real. I can’t stop thinking about her. We talk telepathically. I can feel her,” I motion to my heart to show him exactly where I feel her. “And you are positive she is human?” He asks. “100%” I nod. Dad slumps down on the bar stool, his elbows resting on the counter, his head in his hands. “I’m sorry son. I failed you. I should have seen this happening,” he says in defeat. “Should have seen what happening?” “Moon sickness. You have moon sickness because you’ve not mated yet. That’s why we choose a mate for Alphas if they have not mated by 30. It’s not just about an heir. You have all that power and all the pressure and no one to share that burden with. No one to keep you grounded. So you create one, but she’s not real son. None of it is real. Do you understand?” He begins pacing my kitchen. “She is real. Her name is Derry. I met her after my meeting with Alpha Stone. I was drawn to her in a way I’ve never felt before. I spent the night with her,” I protest. There’s no way I imagined all this. Or did I? I look at my dad, pleading with my eyes for him to say he is wrong. He gives me a sympathetic look before pulling me into a fatherly hug. “Don’t worry son. I’m going to fix this. Do not tell anyone else about this, okay?” He urges. I nod, feeling slightly dazed. “I’m going to hold off the pack elders and put the rest of the pack at ease. Get some sleep, I’ll be back in the morning.” He says before rushing out the door. Leaving me standing there bewildered, questioning my every action and thought of the last week. I head to my bedroom and open the top drawer on my dresser. I pull out the black lace thong she left behind the morning she ran away, rubbing it between my fingers. How can this be fake? She is real. She has to be. After a night of no sleep my dad finally returns, looking as exhausted as I feel. “Okay, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is moon sickness can’t be reversed completely. The good news is it can be hidden and the symptoms eased. Firstly, it’s very important that no one else finds out about it. You would instantly be removed as Alpha. Secondly, we need to get you mated to Autumn as soon as possible…” I cut him off with an involuntary growl. “I know, I know, it’s not that easy. You will need to learn a way to tolerate her presence, then her touch. Once you find a strategy to deal with that, we can go ahead with the mating. When you are mated and start the power share the moon sickness should improve.” “And how exactly do I find a way to be near Autumn without ripping her head off? Just the thought of her infuriates me. How can I try strategies without risking hurting her?” I ask. “You can’t, it’s a risk we will need to take. You will have to trust that you can control yourself,” he says, putting his hand on my shoulder and giving it an encouraging squeeze. “Okay, I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything,” I sigh. “That’s all I can ask, that you try. I believe in you,” he smiles. “I’m going to head home and try and catch a few hours sleep whilst your mum is busy with her book club,” he says as he heads out of the door. Leaving me to stress over how I am going to fix this mess. I eventually give up and decide I need a nap. Maybe once I’m less tired, I’ll be able to think more clearly. All my thoughts are consumed by Derry as I doze off. I feel Derry crawl onto the bed beside me, guilt hits me for doubting that she is real. “I’m sorry baby” I mumble. Her warm lips press a small kiss to my bare chest. I hum in approval as she trails her kisses down, over my abdomen. My shaft stands to attention, twitching as she makes her way closer to it. Her tongue licks a warm trail from the base to the tip before her lips close around the head. I groan in pleasure as she works me with her wonderful mouth. She doesn’t stop until I feed her my release and she drinks me down like a woman starved. “Such a good girl for me,” I praise, and she comes to lay beside me. I wrap my arm around her and she rests her head on my chest. With a contented sigh I kiss the top of her head, then breathe her in. My eyes snap open as I take in her scent… Autumn. I tense and fight the urge to throw her off with a growl. “Your dad said you wanted to apologise. I’m glad you came to your senses and you enjoyed my apology to you. Now we can forget all about last night and plan our mating ceremony,” she says, lazily stroking circles on my chest with her finger. Not wanting to accept the reality of what just happened, I squeeze my eyes shut and imagine it’s Derry in my arms. My body relaxes, accepting her touch. I have just found the strategy I need to get over the moon sickness, save my position as Alpha and fulfil my duties to the pack.
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