Chapter 73: Heaven's gift

2118 Words

Zac’s POV I hadn't even started the engine before I realized that this was a big mistake. "Hey," She said suddenly, leaning forward and peering at the audio system like it was a shiny new toy. "Does this work?" That small action, her leaning forward to fiddle with the buttons on the speaker, combined with a gust of wind from the action blew her sweet scent like nectar into my nostrils. I choked, pressing a hand to my nose. My mouth watered. Sweet. She smelled so sweet, I just wanted to taste her ag- NO! I slammed down hard on that thought with a two hundred pound sledgehammer and pressed the button to open the windows to drive out her scent. "You're in a Mercedes-Benz AMG GT, and you're asking if the speakers work." My voice should have come out croaky and dry, but I've been faking

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