Chapter 50: Uninvited Guests

1660 Words

Lily's POV "Has he broken the rules before?" Ren blushed. He actually blushed. His face, reddening in embarrassment. "Yes," he answered. "Yes, he has." He wouldn't meet my eyes. I didn't know why that answer made me feel relieved that he had broken the rules before me but it did. However, it also made me worried about how much he had broken the rules especially because the strigoi were considered very lethal and prone to bloodlust and blind need for bloodshed. Was he having problems controlling his thirst? Has he killed anyone in the process? I froze. HAS HE?! All the blood drained out of my face as I remembered how uncontrollable he was when he had fed on me. Heck! How uncontrollable I was. I was practically encouraging him to drain me of all my blood. TWICE! "No, he has not ki

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