Chapter 63: Chosen mates

1624 Words

Lily's POV "So are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?" I asked the two girls as we joined the queue for food. Chelsea raised her eyebrows in confusion at my question but Rhea knew what I was asking for because her eyes went back to our table, landed on Chase who was talking about something with Ren and laughing and her face hardened all over again. "What elephant in the room?" Chelsea asked and I looked at her with brows raised before looking at Rhea and then over to the table at her brother. "Oh, I see now. You mean that." "Yes. That." I answered and when Chelsea just shrugged, I rolled my eyes. "Alright, so you want me to have to say it, don't you?" "Say what?" Rhea finally answered and I folded my arms. "What's the deal between you and Chase? I've been trying

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