Chapter 17: cover girl

2031 Words

Mauve's POV You know that feeling that you get where you feel like you are watching history repeat itself and you have no power to stop it? You're just helplessly watching it play out like a movie? Well, yeah, that was my exact thought when I saw Lily for the first time. When she barged in on Ren and I making out in the studio. I took one good look at her shy awkward ass and froze because all I could see was who I used to be two years ago. Before the mating bond. Before Ren. Before being elevated to a royalty status. It had felt like I was staring at myself, only that she didn't have red hair and her eyes were hazel green instead of my bright green ones. But from head to toe, it was like I was looking at a pre mating bond version of myself. The shy, hopeless, stupid bullied girl that w

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