Chapter 6: Venom and vice

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Lily's POV There was something to be said about people that preyed on others for the fun of it, Bia had told me one time when we were both watching a movie about how a woman has taken revenge against her bullies in high school many years and back then, I had been confused about why one of the girls who had bullied the woman because she was ordered to. But now that I was witnessing it first hand, now that I was experiencing what it was like to be on the receiving end of such bullying, I realized that people were just fundamentally wicked human beings who did nothing but waited on the orders of equally cruel people so that they would not have to blame themselves if someone asked them why they acted on their most hideous desires. "Come out, b***h!" One of them growled, the moment my feet touched the ground. So long, sucker, I resisted the urge to call back out. Except, that would make me incredibly foolish, since I didn't want to draw attention to myself. I pushed myself to run like crazy, wincing when my body ached like I had been hit by a freight train. I didn't want to think about my school bag that I had abandoned under the bed and just prayed that I would be able to go back for my laptop later. Sticking my phone into my pocket, I reached for a rubber and packed my waist length hair into a messy bun, away from my face as I ran into the gym and sighed in relief when I found out that it was empty. Taking a deep breath, I sat on the ground and steadied my breathing, swallowing down my tears. This was only the beginning and no matter what Aiden and the rest of the school thought, I had earned that scholarship to be here. I was not going to throw it away just because Aiden was angry at me for something that he believed that my father did. Key word, being believed because no matter what anyone said about my father, I had known him to be so kind and gentle, it was almost impossible that he would harm anyone. And even if he did, Aiden's anger was misplaced. I didn't do anything. So why was he bent on making my life a living hell? I could not leave this academy. Going back to Gold crest, seeing Cade was not an option. I didn't think I would be able to bear the looks of everyone there talking about how stupid I was for falling for someone like Cade. And as I thought about Cade, someone else's face flashed through my mind. Soft and gentle and kind. The one face that I had looked at and felt nothing but peace after a day of chaos. Ren Hawthorne. I still could not believe that he had been so kind and gentle to me. I doubted that he knew that he was the first person to be kind to me since I resumed. Then again, he was one of the most popular boys in the academy and the entire Shadow cove Academy. Who was to say that his kindness was not pretense? Who was to say that he was not playing the good cop game with me, waiting to show his bad cop colours later like Cade did? If Bia could hear me now, she would tell me that I was projecting and to try and see the best in people. She didn't know what it was like to be an outcast. My sweet friend was liked the flowers that her stepfather sold; beautiful, soothing to the touch and loved by everyone. Me? I was public enemy number one right now in this Academy as well as Shadow cove it was not far fetched to say that Aiden was not the only one with massive hatred for me and my mother. If they could have killed us, I was sure that they would do so, not minding that we were innocent of all the allegations. Just then, my phone vibrated and it was a positive affirmations app that Bia had made me download to always help me stay positive. I would have laughed if I didn't think this was the worst time to receive a notification. Suddenly, there was a loud bang and I sat up, slipping my phone in my pocket. The door to the gym just closed. I had been too concentrated on smiling at my phone to notice that I had company. "And what do we have here, girls?" A girl said and my eyes widened when three girls bent down to look at me where I had been hiding behind a large speaker, their eyes wide with surprise and glee. Something told me that the glee was definitely not because they wanted to help me. Duh. "Please" I whispered when they helped me up to my feet. The leader of the crew, her blonde hair in a tight pony tail walked up to me and looked at me from head to toe as she walked around me like I was a mannequin in a fancy dress. "So, you are the Beauregard. Such a lovely surprise. Girls, you can let her go." She said with a smile and my eyes widened in surprise, wondering what was happening? Were they really going to let me go? Perhaps I had spoken too soon. Maybe not all of them were bad here. "Thank you." I said and the leader of the trio grinned while her friends giggled and I was about to walk away when I suddenly tripped and fell to the ground, twisting my ankle as my face met with the ground. "Oh, my God, did that hurt?" One of them asked and I heard all of them cackle as my hair was grabbed from the floor and I was forced to my knees. Tears trickled down my cheeks and I winced in pain as one of the girls, the ring leader came to crouch in front of me. "Oh poor baby, you thought we were your friends? We know who you are, Beauregard and you are going to be nothing but our play thing till you leave of your own free will or we make you. Is that clear?" She slapped my face hard when I didn't answer and was about to do it again when her phone rang. Taking their momentary distraction to flee from the gym, I bit on my tongue to stop myself from howling in pain as I ran with my sprained ankle, hearing as they came after me. Running out of the building entirely, I entered another building that looked abandoned, like a garage and hid by the door, listening as they lurked outside and shaking with fear as I heard the ring leader ask her minions to search everywhere until they found me. More tears trickled down my cheeks. Maybe coming to this Academy was a mistake. Maybe I was too forward-thinking that I could actually have a life here. All of this was a mistake. I didn't know how long those girls were going to be looking for me but I decided that I was going to stay here until the storm blew over. I was just about to make myself comfortable on the ground when a voice reverberated round the walls, causing me to shriek in surprise and fear. "What are you doing here?"
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