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GILDED GATES CITY “Please place all the shoes in here and the dresses in here.” I ordered enthusiastically, striding around the enormous four poster bed and indicating where I wanted everything to go. I had planned everything days beforehand with a very detailed list just so I didn’t forget anything. I skipped to where the bags were with Monica following closely behind. “We start from the lightest to the brightest with these and the dark colors go over here." I indicated to the luggages. "And don’t forget that we don’t want to mix the causal and the fancy heels Monica. We also have to be a bit careful. I can’t afford for the nicer heels to get scratched, so we have to be very careful with those.” I elaborated. “You’re bringing all of them?!” Monica asked incredulously, eyes widening in shock as she took in the well over five dozen very expensive dresses and shoes scattered all over the bed and those waiting in the closet on the racks. It was a rainbow of beautiful colours, pattern and different materials all over the place and it was just the tip of the iceberg seeing as undergarments and other practical clothing weren’t even added as yet. The Moonstone City pack was also known for its incredible forest. They were wolves after all, weren’t they? It was such a very coveted landmark of theirs that everyone spoke in awe about it. I would suppose I would have to see it at some point while there, maybe even given a tour of their most prized possession. That meant I also needed pants, boots and breathable shirts. Bug spray? Maybe a sun hat? Did I need sunscreen and a mosquito net? As I thought it through, I didn’t understand the surprise and trepidation in Monica’s large brown eyes as she nervously glanced at the suitcases that filled the room and back to me like I was going crazy. “Yes, I am bringing all of them Monica” I answered her question confidently and calmly. "Why?" she asked curiously. “Why not? It’s barely a quarter of what I have. I have an impression and a stand to make. I will be in an entirely new world going up against people who couldn't care less about us except now I'm marrying into their family, and we have something they need. It's the least I can have. I can’t survive without my clothes. They make me happy. They’re all very necessary.” She was still staring at me in incredulity. “N-Necessary?” she asked innocently, her cheeks tinting slightly. Clothes... I could talk about clothes forever. I could feel the buzz of excitement in my veins. I liked nice things, expensive things and I wasn’t afraid of saying so. It didn’t make me any less than the other woman who didn't and it didn't mean I didn't appreciate the simple things. Different women enjoyed different things and I’m just a woman after all. Behind these walls, night and day, buying clothes had become my hobby. I sit on the edge of the bed and cross my legs. “It all depends on how I feel. I might feel for a blue dress on Monday” I touch the hem of a gorgeous water blue dress nearby, feeling the silk of the dress slip between my fingers. “Or a yellow one on Tuesday or I might wear a shorter dress on Wednesday just to feel some air on my legs or I might wear silver to dinner over at the Moonstone pack if I want to send a threatening message and they are starting to irritate me.” Monica chuckled and I smiled. It was no secret that silver and wolves didn't quite mix. I wondered if they would run at the sight of the dress screaming or claw me to pieces. There was something tempting and humorous about trying it out. That would really be a great insult for them. I shook my head, more seriously now. “I have to plan for anything over there." I sighed. "It’s better to be prepared than unprepared and I have planned every outfit in my mind. I'm going to need it if I'm going to marry a man I've never met. I have to be appealing for my future husband. The bottom line is clothes make me happy.” I tell her. Maybe the horde of clothes had been a replacement for the life I didn't have, the things I didn't have. I could feel the dull ache starting to intensify and I quickly shrugged it off. “Well, I trust anything you say. There’s nothing wrong with a girl liking her clothes.” she beamed. “I’ll get started then, your grace.” I looked at the growing number of dresses, fighting the urge to add more clothes to the monstrous pile. It was the only thing I was taking with me. Steel nerves. That's what everyone said I had. Either that or I was insane. Maybe I was. Was the prince even a good man? If not, I'd have make one out of him. Light work, right? “I have to take every piece of clothing with me.” I whispered to myself as I eyed the first of the three large closets I owned. “I hear they’re very vicious over there.” Monica remarked, watching me under her lashes, more out of worry that I wasn't taking her with me. “I can be vicious too.” I reply nonchalantly and she stalls for a few seconds. “This might not be my place, but I wouldn’t mind coming along even if it all goes downhill.” she admitted, offering her services even under the most dire circumstances. "You shouldn't be out there alone. You are one of the best things to happen to the Gilded Gates." she declared. It made me want to tear up that she'd go to the end of the world with me. But I wouldn’t drag her into something I created and bargained for. If it all went south, she would not be the one to pay the deadly price. She would be a liability. “I think mother is going to need your help more.” I softly tell her, in so little words but they held a lot of meaning. I was leaving her in her care though I highly doubted she needed it. But she would keep an eye on her over here while I was gone. “Of course, your grace.” Monica complied with a determined nod. "I’ll make sure Queen Adelaide is well taken of. However, do try not to get into too much trouble.” she added smartly with a know it all look and I laughed. Evening started to settle by the time I got half of the clothes packed away. I didn’t eat dinner; I didn’t feel for it. Something was rumbling inside me, it was like a match had been lit, a slow small steady light burning ever since I had made that agreement. Maybe it was the excitement of the dark distant land opposite ours, but I couldn’t even sit for too long when I didn’t know the unexpected. It was terrible position to be in for someone like me, who liked to have things figured and planned out. I had ensured that the Gilded Gates would be properly ran while I was away. Corbin had assured me it would take a lifetime to disrupt the city with all I had put into place. I walked over to the night table and took out the kit filled with different sized sheathed silver knives, the blades deadly. No initials were on them, nothing fancy to lead them back to me. I wasn't a stranger to using them. They were definitely coming with me. The room door opened and I folded up back the set of knives. A short grey-haired woman walked in with all the confidence in the world. Her steps were soft as she strode into the room taking everything in. "Queen Adelaide." Monica started, her dark bob swinging as she stood back from the suitcases. My mother's bleak blue eyes roved over the suitcases and clothes. “Monica dear, please leave us.” she instructed warmly, and Monica politely left the room. Though she was small she took up a lot of space. She looked so much like me but instead of blue eyes and dark hair, I inherited my father’s red hair and steel colored eyes. She seemed to be choosing her words carefully. All the strength and confidence I had I gotten from her. Who else was strong enough to run the Gilded Gates when her husband had died with a young child? “Getting ready for your future husband I see” she remarked blandly as she strode over to the bed and took a seat. It was a silent request that I sat beside her, and I did. “Will I ever be ready?” I quip out without any fear or second thoughts of the future. “I wish you would let us at least vet him Saphira and see what he's like before you dive in headfirst. I know the importance of this deal, but you cannot expect a mother to be happy with her only child pairing off with monsters." "Aren't you being judgy?" 'This is dangerous. Extremely dangerous. You know this isn’t just a regular marriage. These are people completely different from who we are. They'll also have rule over the two cities. Giving them access and control over our city is a steep price to pay for-” “We might have more in common than you think.” I cut her off, not wanting to discuss it. It was a sore topic of what we were giving up. But there was no other solution. I leaned in to hug her, enjoying her warmth. “If it works out, I'll do everything to keep the Gilded Gates as it is. I’ll be fine.” I told her determinedly. Worry lines creased the space between her brows. She looked hesitant and I knew what she was going to say. I could tell from the set in her shoulders. “You can always change your mind.” she suggested firmly. “And do what then?” I asked breathlessly, feeling tired all of a sudden. " I will not just sit around and wait. I'd rather die trying, until my very last breath, giving it all I can. If that's what it takes. I'll give it all I've got, everything in me. I have faith in myself that I can do anything, maybe even tame a few wolves." She turned her head to look at the room with a defeated sigh, not able to look at me anymore. There was a heaviness in her shoulders and a tiredness in her eyes, maybe a mirror image of what I was feeling. “There must be some other way." she said sadly. "T-There’s a reason none of us are over there and we live separately. Going into wolf territory is dangerous, Saphira. It’s the most dangerous thing anyone could do. And it’s reckless to go alone.” she warned. “At least take Monica with you.” “I will only be responsible for myself.” I told her sternly. “It’s easier to take care of one than two. I don't know what to expect over there and how they will treat this agreement. Also, if anything happens to her, I will not have that weight on me.” She turned to face me, holding my hands. She had aged greatly in the past few months. Worry and sadness made her hair whiter, more wrinkles appeared and her frame smaller. “I’m not afraid.” I tell her somberly and her blue eyes held mine. She looked at me in wonder for a few seconds. "I'm not afraid." I whisper steadily. “My brave girl.” she said with great sigh. Silence filled the room and we just sat there. "I didn’t think we’d ever get this far after your father passed." she said, breaking the silence. My stomach twisted into hard knots at the mention of my father, but I willed back the hot tears that threatened to sting the corner of my eyes. Had I ever really cried after that night? I inhaled deeply at the thought. I'd known it wouldn't bring him back since then. “But we did, didn't we? We did make it. We are brave women" I smiled. Her grip tightened on my hands in a silent plea as she turned to face me. “They’re animals Saphira. Murderers. They don’t know anything else but to be wild savages. I cannot lose the last thing I have left in this world to those monsters.” she whispered out, her eyes filled with pain. “You have been behind these walls all your life. You’re not used to being out there and among people who don’t revere you. They’ll shred you to pieces Saphira.” she warned. “I can defend myself ten times over. I am more than capable of surviving amongst them. Plus, they don’t scare me anymore than the shadows on the wall. I have to go. If it works out, it’ll strengthen us.” Ever since my father’s death, I’ve stayed behind the walls in this monstrosity of a palace. It was a prison. Everything had been limited. I had no friends and no life. I had no experiences. The walls of this cage were now closing in on me. All of my life had just been seeing the greys of these walls. The world and the seasons changed, and life had passed me by. Call it a rash decision to dive in headfirst into dangerous territory but I also couldn’t stay here anymore. I can’t say this wasn’t a perfect excuse to leave, one that my mother would accept. It hadn't been like this at first but now I couldn't breathe. “I’d rather die out there than in here.” I tell her quietly. Startled tear-filled eyes looked up at me. Silence ensued as her hands shook holding mine and her lips parted but no words came out. “They’ll help us.” I promised her, trying to change the topic. “Have you spoken to Jeremy since morning?” she bit out, and I withdrew my hands quickly from hers. The hole in my chest that I had been ignoring started gaping and it brought on a wave of sadness deep in my chest. “No and I don’t think I will either.” I whispered sadly. “I have too much packing to do.” It was a polite dismissal. I swallowed bitterly and rose to go and stand by the window. Cool air hit my lungs as I weighed it all. I couldn’t stand still anymore. I just wanted one chance to live and as I looked across the darkening landscape with the yawning gap of water separating the two cities, I knew Moonstone City, pulsating with life and a husband who probably didn’t want me was a good way to start. “They’ll hurt you.” she called out to me, snapping me from my thoughts and I focused on the distant yellow lights, a beacon of hope against the dark evening. The land of wolves. I leaned against the balcony and brushed my fingers over the cool stone, trying to steady my heartbeat. “Not if I hurt them first.” I replied coldly. A/N Thank you for reading and for the amazing comments and responses so far.

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