Forty Years Old

1286 Words
MOONSTONE CITY “Married to her?!” his voice roared, filled with uncontrolled fury and disdain, as if he couldn’t believe he was hearing right. “She’s forty years old!” his voice echoed loudly, disrupting the early morning silence. The mist from the early morning fog rolled off the mountains and drifted through the window. “Those are the terms.” Alpha King Orion growled. “She’s insane! Why the fvck would the cu.nt ever think her old ass should be on the marriage market?!” Xander gritted out furiously, the large veins in his neck showing. The handsome prince leaned forward in his chair in incredulity as he glanced from my father to me, waiting for either of us to provide answers we didn’t have but instead he was met with dead silence. “Wesson here will take care of the specifics.” Alpha King Orion informed him coldly, not caring about his feelings. “So, I’m practically being forced to marry this old hag against my wishes!” he growled in a fit of sudden rage. The early morning air felt even more chilly in the room as King Orion, our father, leaned forward and Xander flinched. The broad chested brown-haired prince stood quickly to his feet in utter disgust and with a great sweep of his hand the large mahogany table before us vaulted off the floor. It crashed and shattered against the window, wooden chips scattering everywhere on the pristine marble floors at our feet. The sound was jarring in the morning quiet. Dust from the wooden table filled the air and danced in the sunlight streaming from the window as his shoulders rose and fell harshly. Xander’s muscles flexed under his robe as he towered above us in our chairs, looking down on us. I continued to clean my fingernails as he raged before us, starting to pace back and forth in even powerful strides. He pointed a finger at King Orion, barely catching his breath. “Queen or no queen, it’s not happening and that’s non-negotiable!” he promised through clenched teeth, canines growing. “Now when all the life has been drained out of her, she wants love and children with the most eligible werewolf bachelor out there. I deserve better. Forty years old!” he grimaced with a huff, turning his back before facing us again, his eyes glowing red. His wolf Nolan was stirring because his playboy image was about to be ruined. Desperation flickered across his features. “Father, we simply haven’t explored all the other options for this unity.” he pleaded. “There must be some other reasonable demand the b***h can make. Does she not know who we are?! Another man must be out there willing to put up with her and her delusions. I will not have an old woman dragging on my arm like I’m some fvcking caretaker!” he seethed, pristine white canines flashing sharp and deadly. "Then another man will be king and have access to their lands.” Alpha King Orion responded slyly. “The negotiations are perfect, and we did everything we could as always.” “Did you?” he asked his father suspiciously. “Then if you did everything you could then how did we fvcking end up here?!” Xander barked ferociously. “Clearly, duties aside to keep her busy, something is very obviously fvcking wrong with her if no man in that very vast pristine place hasn’t fvcked her or touched her and she hasn’t had the inclination to either!” He was on a never-ending rampage. “For Moon Goddess’ sake, she’s an old unmarried woman with no children! She should be knitting clothes and drinking tea but instead she is preparing for marriage and kids. Do you know what will be said about me? My history will not be to marry some old crone!” he thundered. “You will marry her, or this agreement falls apart.” King Orion smiles darkly, unaffected by his son’s anger. He squints his dark eyes at Xander, voice deathly sharp like the edge of a knife. It was the voice that made grown men sit up straight. “I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think or feel boy. Bury your c**k in her and give me an heir.” he snarled. “She demands a marriage with our prince which is fairly reasonable and very smart if you ask me. At least you’ll be fvcking for a crown and be of some fvcking worth. Did you think this was all games?” he asked chillingly. “So, you will turn me into her” Xander asked and I quickly glance up at him from the blade of my knife. It wouldn’t have been funny if he didn’t currently have a she wolf that he left in his bed this morning. “What did you think Prince’s were for?” father laughed cruelly. “Plus, you’re no virgin or man of great virtue. You fvck more she wolves than you shift around here.” Xander winced, clearly offended. Father’s words had struck a chord. “Well, I’m not fvcking her.” he answered in disdain, running a hand over his mouth. “You are in the running for a mate and her a husband.” father declared. “It will give her security, especially since we all know what happened with her father’s death years ago. She is also going to be having werewolf children who will be heirs as well to the Gilded Gates. We will erase their bloodline in due time. Think of that as well. It is more than a good deal on our part. We will take over their territory and your children will be a walking manifestation of this agreement. This is monumental.” King Orion implored. “Plus, this place could use a female’s touch. We could do with a Luna around here.” he said without so much as a glance around the room. Too much testosterone in high places. Xander slammed a palm against the wall in irritation and cracks formed. He shook his head in denial. “This is charity on our part.” his deep voice said solemnly. “She’s old enough to be my mother. Maybe there is someone else much younger than her, some relative we haven’t heard of before. There must be an eighteen-year-old cousin somewhere.” he insists. “You’re twenty-seven years old!” the king reminded him bitterly, voice thundering in the room. “Wesson here, received confirmation earlier this morning and it is already done. I have accepted the terms.” he continued, his dark eyes shiny and terrifying. Brutal. King Orion could be very brutal and deadly. “You will follow through and take care of business.” The tension rose in the room to a suffocating degree as Xander knew he had to bend to our father’s decision. King Orion’s mouth twisted in a half sneer as he watched his only heir. He wasn’t too pleased, mostly about his ruined table and being woken up so early. “Wesson here will ensure that this goes seamlessly.” “I don’t need a butler or a footboy.” he spat at me. And despite it all, I’d still have to arrange picking up Queen Saphira and other things Xander would never have to worry about. Butler duties. A/N Age is just a number! Please let me know what you think of this so far. Are you here for this wild ride? Please bear with me trying to get around Dreame's censorship of swear words but misspelling them gets them seen. Thank you for reading.
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