Dramatis Personae

91 Words
DIFFERENT COUNTRIES Dramatis PersonaeDAVID MAGALLANES’S FAMILY Luz David’s wife Teresa Only daughter of Luz and David Mercedes Teresa’s daughter; married to Delfin Dante Marcial Teresa’s son; married to Estela Nora Dante and Estela’s eldest daughter (her younger sisters are Donna and Claudine) Alma David’s mistress, with whom David will have two daughters, Ronda and Anna Katherine Roque Anna’s daughter; married to Dennis Roque and adopted Phirun as their child VILLAGERS Kapitan Rolly Amador Village Chief Manang Edith Rolly’s older sister; owner of the pondahan Joaquin/King Rolly and Edith’s nephew; Nora’s best friend THE CHILDREN IN THE ISLAND Santi, Mildred, Rommel, Luis and Melinda OTHER ISLANDERS Mrs. Reyes The social worker; adoptive family of Mildred Father Arnel Parish priest; adopted Santi
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