Chapter 16

1777 Words

16 Richie found a note from Rebecca when he got up the next morning saying that, when she phoned work, she learned the ME was performing an autopsy on one of her cases and she wanted to be there for the findings. Also, she would be issued a new cell phone and Glock. She took a cab to Homicide. At 10:30, after the autopsy, Eastwood ordered her to leave. Richie picked her up for the trip to Sonoma County. “Is everything okay at work?” he asked. He saw that her face make-up had covered much of the bruising she sustained, and a turtleneck sweater covered the rest. “Just ducky. After I talked to Eastwood last night, he went straight to the Gang Task Force to get them to go after Charkov and his gang. I was expecting him to call me last night to go in and give my statements. But he didn’t. T

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