Chapter 19

1474 Words

Chapter 19 Because Gavin’s office is so close to where Brody lives, they decide to meet up when he gets off work. He has office hours until four, then a forty-five minute comp class, and a department meeting scheduled to run until six. When they spoke on the phone Sunday night, he told Brody he’d be ready to leave no later than six-thirty. He could stop by Brody’s then, and they’d have dinner at an artsy little place downtown called the 804. Brody’s never been, because it’s the type of restaurant that’s beyond his budget, but he’s heard good things about it and hey, he just got paid. For the first time in years, he takes longer than fifteen minutes to get ready. He spends a good half hour alone standing in front of his closet, debating what to wear. It’s all black so it shouldn’t matter,

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