6. Mike's Journal – September 17, 1988

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I can"t believe the indescribable beauty of this place. Not only Casa Albertina, but Positano itself, and the glory of the sea and sky that stretches out before us. Katherine and I have just been married and we decided to spend our honeymoon in Italy. Exhausted after brief visits to Rome, Florence, and Venice though, we reached Positano and immediately decided to change our plans. We"re going to spend the rest of the days we have right here. At Casa Albertina. Sleeping late, eating too much and loving more. I just wish we didn"t have to leave – ever. I read Mike"s entry with a slight smile. Forgetting my own situation, my own longing, I took refuge in his joy. So I thumbed through the journal to see how many pages I might be committing to. He had only been to Positano twice and left many pages of memories recorded in the journal. I read Mike"s entry with a slight smile. Forgetting my own situation, my own longing, I took refuge in his joy. So I thumbed through the journal to see how many pages I might be committing to. He had only been to Positano twice and left many pages of memories recorded in the journal.The first entries followed his wedding to Katherine and captured the pleasant memories of a honeymoon between two people very much in love. Casa Albertina figured prominently in his reminiscences, but his story told the larger tale of their adventures in Positano. The first entries followed his wedding to Katherine and captured the pleasant memories of a honeymoon between two people very much in love. Casa Albertina figured prominently in his reminiscences, but his story told the larger tale of their adventures in Positano. From the first day, we realized that Positano is more vertical than horizontal. It"s got a beach, sure, but to get there you have to descend many hundreds of steps or walk a meandering road that switches back and forth down to the sea level below. Going down was full of adventure and laughter, but going back up to the hotel was a real test. Mike described the gentle heat of the sun on a September morning as he and Katherine lay back on blankets on the beach. Positano"s shoreline was composed of black rocks more than sand, so blankets were necessary to shield the body from the absorbed heat of the stones as well as provide a resting place for swimsuit-exposed bodies. Mike described the gentle heat of the sun on a September morning as he and Katherine lay back on blankets on the beach. Positano"s shoreline was composed of black rocks more than sand, so blankets were necessary to shield the body from the absorbed heat of the stones as well as provide a resting place for swimsuit-exposed bodies. We enjoyed the luxury of sunshine and breeze all morning, returning to the hotel only for a light midday meal. After showering up and changing into clean clothes, we embarked on a walking tour – more like a climbing tour – of the hilly pathways that led up to and down to the Positano beach. The Mediterranean Sea spread out in what seemed like miles below our feet, and the glitter of the sunshine off the water was magical. I rested the book on my lap for a moment, recalling moments like this with Gaia, including reclining on the beach and hiking up the trails around the town. Mike"s recollection was no greater than mine, in fact, he almost repeated things that I had written in my own journal. I rested the book on my lap for a moment, recalling moments like this with Gaia, including reclining on the beach and hiking up the trails around the town. Mike"s recollection was no greater than mine, in fact, he almost repeated things that I had written in my own journal.This will be our place to remember. Rome was enticing, and Venice and Florence were beautiful, but that so-called Italian triangle sucks up all the tourists who forget, or never knew, of the fragrance of lemon trees, the sparkle of the blue sea, or the twinkle of stars overhead in a place as beautiful as Positano.
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