AcknowledgementsLike any work of art, writing is not done in a void. While the author may be the master of his work, there are many other people who become involved in its creation. These men and women provide of their own free will and time, literary and professional critiques, research, artwork, copy and creative editing, and formatting for final publication. I would like to acknowledge a few of them who have given their precious time in providing insightful critiques and encouragement. They have been an invaluable source to me in the development of this novel. First and foremost – a huge thank you to Paul Baxter for his expertise regarding First Responder protocols and operations. Your insights, comments and suggestions were invaluable. To the Central New York Chapter of the Romance Writers of America, the Downtown Writer's Center, and my monthly critique group; many thanks for all your insightful critiques. And as always, many thanks to my beta readers, editors and to my publisher, Fountain Blue Publishing; as always you are right there to take care of all the little things and bumps in the road. Thank you all. I am forever grateful!