3: Y'all Meet My Fiancé

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"What happened, Daisy?" I asked her as she stared at the phone screen for a while after answering the call. "Oh, it's my husband. He said he's returning tonight," Daisy replied and forced a smile at me. "Alright. Let's wait for him then," I replied, sitting up so I wouldn't fall asleep. "No, dear. You should sleep. He'll come late because their flight hasn't even taken off. He would have to call me when he's back," she replied. "Alright then. Hopefully, he comes back safely. Goodnight," I responded and went to bed. A few minutes later, after going through her phone, Daisy went to their marital bedroom to sleep as well. I woke up after hearing some noise, and it was coming from the kitchen. I reached for my phone and powered it on. It was then that it dawned on me that it was already morning and that it was Daisy's maids who were making the sound in the kitchen as they were cooking. I rose from the bed and walked into the restroom to wash my face before strolling out to meet Daisy and her husband in the sitting room where they were discussing. As I walked in and saw them, I couldn't help but feel emotional about how happy and playful the couple's duo is to each other. Daisy was resting her head on her husband while he was busy cupping her cheeks and styling her hair while they discussed. Words couldn't tell exactly how I felt because this was exactly how I wished I and Zayn could be to each other, but in reality, it was vice versa. He hardly creates time for me to discuss; talk more of sitting together and treating me like a baby. "Good morning, Mr. Blake," I greeted him and smiled at Daisy. "Good morning, Zora," he replied, excusing himself from his wife Daisy so he could give me attention. "How are you?" "I'm fine, sir. Welcome back from your trip." "Glad you're looking better now than last night," Daisy chipped in, and I chuckled, pretending as if I'd healed from the incident. "Thankfully," I said. "Zora, Daisy had told me everything that happened. I'm really so sorry that you're experiencing this from my friend," Blake said and took in a deep breath. I sighed in grief and gulped down the lump in my throat. "That's what yesterday brought to me," I snapped, forcing out a smile. "Don't worry, Zora. I had called him this morning. He promised to be back in the city so we could discuss the issue." Upon hearing this, my knees instantly went down. "Thank you so much, Mr. Blake. I really want my marriage to work, and I will really be grateful to you if Zayn changes his mind," I remarked, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks. "It's okay, stand up." He held me up to my feet and cuddled me, wiping the tears in my eyes. A few minutes later, I left them for the visitor's room where I stayed. I took my phone and decided to call Zayn. At least hear his voice. As I dialed his number, it rang for some while and wasn't picked up. I sighed. My old self would have given up calling after the first one, but since it was about Zayn, I couldn't bring myself to do so. I eagerly wanted to hear his voice and know if he had changed his mind to accept me back. However, as I dialed the number for the second time, it rang for some time before it was finally picked up. "Hello, who's on the line?" A feminine female voice sounded from the other end of the call. My body shivered as I heard the question, and the phone nearly fell out of my grip. Zayn never allowed me to touch his phone, not to mention answering his phone calls, but this woman did so. Her melodious voice made me feel less of a woman. Should I worry about the fact that my call was picked up by a woman, or the question? The fact she was asking who it was broke my heart more. It means Zayn had deleted my number as he threatened. Hence, the lady couldn't identify who it was. "Uhm," I took a deep breath, trying to hold myself in order. I didn't want to act silly because it wasn't her fault after all. "This is Zora calling," I managed to reply, gulping hard the saliva that nearly choked me. "Oh, Zayn is in the restroom. I'll let him know he received a call when he's done bathing," she added. My hand quivered, but I managed to firm my grip so my phone doesn't fall. My heart is in pain. I couldn't believe what she had just said. "Zayn abandoned me in the house to lodge with a different woman because I'm sure that voice isn't even that of Nora, his assistant manager," I whimpered. "Erm, I'm sorry, but who are you?" I asked, expecting her reply. To my greatest surprise, she ended the call. I was startled that I didn't know when the phone fell out of my hand and shattered on the floor. "Oh God, why always me? What have I done to deserve this?" I cried, curling my hands on my bosom as I tried not to cry out loud so Daisy and her husband wouldn't hear it. — In the afternoon, Daisy and her husband were at my place, as it was the time Zayn promised Mr. Blake to show up so we could sort out our marriage issue according to Blake. We sat at the outdoor lounge of the house, sipping from the drinks my servants had just served us. I returned here in the morning to make sure there was merriment for this event because, to me, it's going to be a reunion party since Blake assured me that he'd work it out. I made sure there were drinks of all kinds and enough food to serve to everyone after the peace talk. Only if I knew what awaited me in the future. A few minutes later, a car's honk was heard at the gate, and the security man didn't waste time opening the gate upon verifying it was Zayn. Slowly, he drove in and steered to the parking lot. With anticipation and excitement, I stood up and watched, waiting for him to alight from the car and then walk over to us in the lounge so we could proceed to the reason for this gathering. I was confused when Zayn walked out, headed to the passenger's seat, and opened the door. "What does this mean? Is Zayn opening a door for someone? In his own car?" I was baffled. Zayn isn't working for someone or under anyone to say he came with his boss, so what's the meaning of this? Just then, a female shoe clad appeared on the floor, and swiftly, a tall, slim lady walked out of the car. She curled her hair in a ponytail and glared around with uneasiness on her face. "Welcome to my home, sweety?" I could hear Zayn say to her. He was looking radiant. Not sad at all. His expression could be explained as someone who had just won a million-dollar lottery. Majestically, they started walking towards us at the outdoor lounge. I sighed in grief and didn't know when I fell back on the chair I was sitting in. I was utterly embarrassed. My friend Daisy noticed my emotions, and she gently stroked my shoulder. "Don't worry, Zora. She might just be his business partner," she whispered to me. Before I could turn and stare at them for the second time, the lady had clutched her hand with Zayn, and she had a confident smile. As they approached us, Zayn breathed a happy sigh and greeted Mr. Blake, his friend, throwing his face completely off me as if I wasn't there. He then cleared his throat and said, "Y'all meet my bride and fiancée, Paige McCarthy."
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