In movies when a man kisses a woman there’s a background music playing and the time seems to stop as the world only revolves to the two people showing intimacy to each other. Yes, it’s so romantic when watching such scene but when Hestia is the one being watched that’s another story. If it’s just the her and Hearthof in a closed space, she could pretend that nothing happened but they’re in the amusement park. As Hearthof deepened the kiss and their bodies pressed together, Hestia raised her knees and hit the man on the crotch. Hearthof’s face turned pale as he kneeled on the ground while holding his throbbing phallus, “W-Why?” “Not because you succeeded one or two times means you can do it anytime.” Hestia wiped her lips with the back of her hand. “Know your place. I had enough of thi