Dabs quill lightly into ink
Our story begins in the distant land of Ayrshire, located far in the north beyond the mountains, there lies the majestic Cunningham Castle defined as a king's home with its vast riches, nobles, magical powers and beliefs of the old gods. A kingdom as such is to expected after receiving the name the indestructible fort by neighbouring countries and the stories of the vast army made up of horsemen, soldiers, archers, mages and healers not only do they protect the kingdom but the kingdom's walls are divided into four sectors with three gates to shut at any time during an attack and lastly a magical barrier erected by the court mage fayia which covers all the kingdom.
Though through all this his majesty king Malcolm is a wise and just king, who sits upon his ancestral throne suddenly feels a urge of longing, he gazes around his throne room where his eyes sets upon two guards standing at the entrance while another two in front him flanking each of his sides, his gaze then goes to the throne next to him that was supposed to hold his queen who is ill and suffering from her grave mistakes, sadly he gazed up at the banner that holds the kingdom's crest a silver shield lined with gold and holds a black dragon on the inside with piercing red eyes, his thoughts were then interrupted by the loud voice of his soldier announcing his court mage faiya entering in strides of swiftness she quickly bows and stands back up as she addresses the king.
"your majesty" said faiya i have some troubling and disturbing news as of a few minutes ago the evil quee- i mean queen Vanessa as she stuttered after seeing my questioning glare passed away from the use of dark magic
Upon hearing the news of my beloved passing away i quickly hurried from my throne with the two of my guards following behind me to the main hall and up the stairs that lead to the east wing of the castle, upon my arrival to my wife's door i left my guards outside to keep watch s i opened the door and went in to see my son Adonis and my daughter Lyla standing over their mother with tears coming down their eyes.
Even though Vanessa practiced the use of dark magic and neglected her duties as queen and her children they still loved her, the kingdom and her children and i just turned a blind eye to everything now look where it has gotten her, look where we all are as she laid lifelessly in her bed, her pale blond hair surrounding her face, in instinct i reached out to remove some from her face as i whispered " oh Vanessa, what have you done my love".
Then it hit me could i use my powers to save her? i thought, I tried to reach out to her as i felt her slipping away but it was already too late, there was nothing i could do to save her as the darkness spread throughout her whole body turning her corpse black and her veins purple.
Adonis then looks at me with a frantic face of worry " she's not dead right, tell me mom isn't dead no, no, no, no, no she can't be" he said while shaking his head crazily as he pushed past me and ran out the room i told one of the guards outside to follow him.
As Lyla saw what happened she stepped outside her mother's room and shutting the door behind her, she then stepped up to her father, "you know what must be done father it's time to name your heir" as she said it so calmly while looking at her face one that was masked to perfection that one would also think she had some plan at play. "yes, indeed you are right, my dear" king Malcolm replied but unknown to him he would never know his assumption of his daughter would be true like a spider weaving a web lyla had weaved hers and now she just waits on her soon near prey.
king Malcolm then issues an order to his soldier, "spread the news the queen is dead her burial will take place at the royal tomb" as the soldier bowed to his king and left to deliver the grave news to the citizens the king walked down the corridor back to the main hall, looking up he saw a portrait of his family, Vanessa smiling as she held a one year old Lyla and a three year old Adonis stood next to her while i kissed her cheek.
I swiftly looked away when sadness nearly over took me as i reminded myself i am the king, the ruler of this great nation and i have to be strong for my citizens and my children.
Not knowing right behind the corner he had just came from his daughter stood watching as she smiled to herself knowing everything was going in order as planned.