Chapter eight - She is not a toy

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Jason's POV: Vanessa and Bailey are getting close. That is not something I like. The nerd doesn't need to be everywhere. She is not doing anything wrong, but I don't want to be around her. I'm not saying that she is that bad. I talked with her on my lunch break a couple of days ago. It was a good conversation. She listens to people and knows what to say. Not many people can do that, especially those our age. Let's say that they don't care. Vanessa does, for sure. Maybe Bailey, as well. This girl doesn't like me, but she talks with me. She is probably doing this for a reason. It's better if I don't know. I don't want to have anything in common with her. Our paths won't cross. I believe in this. The biggest problem is Dylan. I might have talked with him, but that didn't help. He still tries on Vanessa. It's not like she hasn't rejected him ten thousand times. I'm scared he might do something to her when I am not there. Well, he knows that I will always keep her back. I will never let anyone hurt her. We are not dating, but it doesn't mean I don't care about her. She means a lot to me, and I'll do everything possible to keep her safe. Otherwise, her parents will kill me. It's enough that they don't like me. I don't want things between us to get worse. What can happen is for them to forbid me to see their daughter. It's not like I will listen. I never play by the rules. This is one of the things people know me for. Of all the girls with who I have been, she is the one who caught my attention. Sadly, I have to put the nerd here as well. There is something weird about this girl. I'm not her favorite, but she started talking to me. Before, when I was doing it, she was silent. I wonder what has changed. Maybe it's because of Vanessa. Whatever it is, we won't get close. I don't want her around me. I hope that things won't change. It's the weekend. This means I can rest for two days. It's not like I don't do it during the week. No one can make me study. I don't do it because it's useless. None of what teachers give us won't help us in real life. The university is for that. There is no point in paying attention. Well, the nerd is doing it. She has nothing else to do with her life. Well, poor girl. I still don't understand why the cheerleaders are with her. They probably feel sorry for her. I don't see another explanation. I woke up and checked the time. It was 10 am. My parents are probably outside. They use the weekend to go shopping. I can go with them, but I will never do it. I don't want to waste my time. That's why I texted Vanessa. She doesn't have plans for the day. Maybe we can go to a party. I haven't been one for a while. Sadly, no one is making one now. When she responded, I took my things and walked out. We'll meet for breakfast. After twenty minutes, I arrived at the diner. She was already there, eating. - Good morning. I see you are hungry. - I texted you more than thirty minutes ago. I won't wait for you forever. - I tried to be as fast as I could. - The food here is good. What I'm eating is delicious. - Ok, I will try it. Vanessa and I ate our food peacefully. Later, I went to pay for it. I don't know what we will do, so I will let her take the lead. Soon, we were in an underwear store. I don't think I am supposed to be here with her. As I see it, she doesn't care. I feel like an i***t. I don't understand anything about women's clothes, especially when it comes to underwear. - I will go and try these on. I want you to tell me if I should buy them. - Why me? I don't understand anything about that. - But you know the colors. - So what? - I will be back soon. That's how the fashion show started. I won't lie. She looks good in everything. I waited for Vanessa to show up when I saw Dylan and Tasha. Now we have a problem. He can't see her like that. Otherwise, he might do something. She is not a toy. I won't let him play with her. I quickly went to her changing room. Vanessa was about to say something, but I covered her mouth. - Be quiet. Dylan is here with Tasha. - I said and removed my hand - What? How is he here? - I have no idea. If he sees me, he will understand that you are here too. - Great. This day can't get better. - I'm sorry. - It's ok. Can you check if he is here? - I will. By the way, you should buy this. - Really? Do you like it? - I do. I will be back. There was no sign of Dylan or Tasha. I won't be surprised if they are making out in one of the changing rooms now. These two can't stay away from each other. I left Vanessa to change herself. When she was ready, I went to pay for her things. She wanted to argue with me, but I told her we didn't have time. I was right about my friends. If you are in a changing room, you can hear them. Both of us quickly walked out. Our next stop was her house. We walked to her room so she could leave her clothes. She wanted to make another fashion show. This time, only I will see her. I thought she would change in the bathroom, but no. Well, I have seen her without clothes on. There is nothing she can hide. - What do you think about this one? - Yellow looks good on you. It highlights your light skin. - Thanks. Maybe I need to spray tan for summer. - Don't you dare do this. - Ok, I won't do it. Here is the next one. - she said and changed - I like the blue pair as well. You chose great colors. - I'm not done yet. Here is the green one. - I see you don't like dark colors. - Life is colorful, not dead. - she said, and I laughed - True. - Which one is your favorite of all these? - I have to go with yellow. It's the best one so far. - Well, I don't have anything else. Let me change. I'm not supposed to look at her like that, but she is pretty. I mean, not too fat and not too skinny. When she was ready, she sat on my lap. I know where this is going. It's not like I mind. Every girl has her needs. The yellow underwear took all my attention. By the time I realized it, we were already making out. Here is the difference between Dylan and me. I use girls as well, but I don't hurt them. That's why I don't want Vanessa to be with him. He won't treat her well. As usual, we ended up making it until the end. Later, we went for a shower. This is what I wanted. Well, she had another idea. I'm glad that she is in a good mood. After half an hour, we walked out. - What do you want for lunch? It's already late. - What's the time? - 1 pm has passed. - You call that late? Anyway. I can make you something. - You don't have to do it. - But I want it. After all, you did many things for me. - Ok, then. I would love to see what you have cooked. - Don't have high hopes. After an hour, we ate in the living room. I have to say that Vanessa did a great job. The food is delicious. I haven't seen her cooking much. Maybe that is because her mom always does it. I'm sure she has helped her. The girl is busy. Mostly, it is with me. - The food is delicious. Great job, chef. - Thanks. I'm glad that you like it. - I do. What do you want us to do in the afternoon? You took all my energy. - I said, chuckling - Only I am allowed to do that, understood? - Yes, ma'am. - Good. We can take a nap if you want. Well, I won't deny another round. - she said, smirking - I prefer the nap. - Ok, we'll take a nap. - It's only sleeping. Please don't plan anything else. - Why do you have to ruin the fun? - What is wrong with you today? You are in a good mood. - I have no idea. I woke up like that. - How many rounds do you want? - Until I can't walk. - I could've done this in the beginning. - Maybe, but I know you won't hurt me. You are not Dylan. He is a monster. - I won't say that. - But I do. I talked with Tasha last year. At least you are gentle. He doesn't care about that. - I won't do anything to you. - That's why I am here. I don't want to experience his way of that. - I will never let you do it. - I'm glad that I have your back. - Always and for everything. After our late lunch, we went for a nap. I hope it's only that. I don't want another round. Not now. After all, I don't want us to be like Tasha and Dylan. We are not them. One thing I don't want to hear people say is compare me to him. He is worse than me. She laid down, and I pulled her for a hug. I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't help it. Maybe I have to admit it. Vanessa is not only a side chick to me. There is something else. I woke up and checked the time. It was 5 pm. Her parents probably came home hours ago. I'm sure they don't like the idea of me being here. Well, I do it because of Vanessa. I carefully got up and walked into the bathroom. When I came back, her mom was in the room. I was about to go back, but she saw me. - You don't have to hide. I don't bite. - I'm sorry. - I don't want to ask this, but will you stay for dinner with us? - No, I will go home. - Thank you. - I know you don't like me. - Well, I didn't hide it. You are not good enough for Vanessa at all. The thing is that she likes you. If I go against you, she will get mad at me. I don't want to argue with her. - I understand. - Oh, hi, mom. - Hello. You decided to wake up. - Is dinner ready? - No, it's not. You can help me with that. - Wake me up when it's done. - Vanessa said and hugged her pillow - Ok, I will go home. - What? Why? Won't you stay here? - I am with you the whole day. - I want you to stay with me for dinner. - Look, I can't do it today. We can go out tomorrow. - Why? Did I do something? - No, it's not because of you. I have something planned for the night. - Are you going out with Dylan? - No, it's not that. Can't you accept it without questions? - No, I can't. - I have to go. - That's not fair. I do everything for you. - Oh, no. Please, don't come at me with this. - Fine, go home. I will invite Dylan. - No, you can't do that. - The decision is yours. - Fine. - That was easy. - You are unbelievable. - Thanks for the compliment. Vanessa and I were in her room while her mom was making dinner. I know she doesn't want me to be here, but I couldn't say no. Her daughter can be very convincing. Also, if I do it, she might get mad at me. That is not something I want to happen. When the food was ready, we went into the kitchen. I won't lie. I feel awkward. - The dinner is delicious. - Cut the act, Jason. - I mean it. - Let's make it clear. You are here because of Vanessa, not because of me. I don't want you here. - Mom! You can't talk like that. - Did I lie? - He didn't do anything. - You weren't like that before. Things have changed since you started hanging out with him. - I can do whatever I want. - Your mom is right. You are not the girl you used to be. - Because I grew up. - It's not only that. - Maybe it's better if I go home. - I said - No, you can't do that. - I'll see you tomorrow at school. - No! That is not the same. You promised you wouldn't leave. - I didn't mean that. - Then what? - You know what. I will go now. Thanks for this dinner. - I said and walked to the front door - Wait! - Vanessa said and walked after me - Don't insist. Please. She didn't say anything and kissed me. Now, she looks like a desperate girlfriend. Well, I know what this means to her. The thing is that it won't change her parents' minds. They won't like me. It's not like I want that. After all, I am with their daughter, not with them. Soon, she pulled away and looked at me. I hugged her and walked away. It's visible that I'm not welcome here. I walked around the town for a while and later went home. My parents were watching something in the living room. I walked by them and went into my room. Right now, I don't want to talk with them. I have other things in my head. I was about to go for a shower when someone walked in. This time, it was my dad. - Hey, dad. What do you want? - Nothing, only to check on you. Did something happen again? Your good mood is gone. - No offense, but I don't want to talk about this. - I see. - You can't help me. - Why are you so sure? - If you can't make Vanessa's parents like me, you can't help. - I guess I can't do anything. - See? - Maybe I can help with something else. - I don't have other problems. - In that case, I can't do anything for you. - Well, you can leave. It's still something. - Why don't you like talking with us? - Because you always criticize me. You care only about the action, not the reason behind it. - What do you mean? - Exactly what you are thinking about. - I said and walked into the bathroom I don't want to explain this to my parents. They should understand it by themselves. If they don't, this means they don't care. I have other things to worry about. Let's say that I still keep in mind my conversation with Bailey. There is something weird about this girl, but I don't know what. It's not like she will tell me. I assume that she knows way more than others. Quiet kids always listen. I wonder if she knows something about me. Well, it's a public secret that she doesn't like me. At least, that is mutual. I don't want her around Vanessa, but I can't do anything about it. I hope that this girl knows her place.
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