Chapter ten - The bet

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Jason's POV: I spent a whole day with the nerd. That was not part of my plans, but I decided to do it and see how it went. The hardest part for me was to be a good guy. I have never pretended for so long. At least it was worth it. The girl is not that bad. It depends on how you treat her. She is right about one thing. Dylan sometimes treats her horribly. I have done it, too, but not on the same level as him. It looks like she likes the good guy, too. Vanessa does. I don't know why people want me to be good. I can't do that. After all, I don't want to end like Bailey. She is not doing anything wrong. There is no one behind her back. The girl is alone. That is not something I want to happen to me. Also, I didn't hurt anyone. I mean, I am clear with every girl from the beginning. What they will do next is not my problem. Well, I understood some things about the nerd. I didn't mean any of all the good things I told her, but she believes it. I can be a good actor. She still doesn't trust me, but I can change that. After this day, I started wondering if I should try on her. It will take me a lot more time than the other girls. Bailey is different. She doesn't trust easily. That's why it will be hard for me to make her do it. She doubted some of the things I did for her. I have to say that she helped with my present for Vanessa. I lied about the reason. She is not mad at me. Well, she quickly understood that I didn't choose these things. I don't have good taste at all. I told her not to talk with Bailey about that. I need to get close to the nerd, but I don't know how. That won't be easy. It's not a lie that it will be interesting. I wonder for how long I can pretend. I hope that she won't understand this. I want someone to tell me why the school exists. This is a waste of time. I don't even know why I go there anymore. If I don't do it, teachers will mark me as absent. After a couple of times, they can call my parents. I don't want to deal with them for that. Our relations are already horrible. I have no idea what they want from me except for good grades. That won't happen. I want to waste my time with someone helpful. I mean, something that will help me in life. Currently, I am at school. I have a geography test, but I don't know anything. At least there is a clever person next to me. I am copying what he does. The boy is not a straight-A student, but his grades are better than mine. I have to do the last question myself. It's different for everyone. Soon, the bell started ringing. I wrote something and gave my test to the teacher. At least I won't fail. That's what I want to know. I took my things and walked to my locker. Dylan came with Tasha. Then, the rest of the boys appeared. - Hey. - Hey. I saw you with the nerd on the weekend. Why are you with her? - Dylan asked - I wanted to see what she would do. This girl hates me. - Were you with her the whole day? - Blake asked - Yes. I pretended to be a good person for a couple of hours. It was hard but worth it. She believes what I told her. - This girl is weird. - Avery said - By the way, where is Alice? You are always with her. - I said, looking at Toby - She is probably in class or somewhere else. - I thought something was going on. - No chance. She is nice, but I can't limit myself to one girl. - Take her as a side chick. Tasha is doing a great job at this. - Dylan said - Here comes the nerd. - Blake said - You like being with her, don't you? - Dylan asked me - I never said that. - I was thinking about something. - What was that something? - She can't stand you. - Ok, and? - Why don't we make things a little bit more interesting? - I have no idea what you are talking about. - A bet. With that, everyone looked at us. One of the things we are known for is our bets. They can be cruel. Sometimes, harmful, but fun. The only person who wasn't here was Bailey. Where did she go? She was here a second ago. I have to say that she is the only one not interested in us and our bets. I wonder what this will be. - I'm listening. - I said - I bet you to sleep with Bailey. You have one month. - Dylan said - What? I can't do this for a month. We talk about the nerd. - He is right. Bailey is a hard one. Give him more time. - Avery said - Ok, you have time until prom. - Jason, don't do this. Please. She doesn't deserve it. - Chelsea said - Nobody asked for your opinion. - Dylan said - Please. She is a good girl. Why would you do this to her? She is not bothering you. - Deal. I'll do it. - I said - Ok, now the price. If you win, you can take Tasha. If I win, that means if you don't complete the bed or give up, I take Vanessa. - What? No, I can't do that. Not her. - Are you scared? You think you will lose. The baby can't complete a simple bet. - Dylan said, laughing - Ok, fine. I better win, then. - Great. Tic tac. You have time until prom. - Hey, what's up? - Vanessa said - I made a bet with your guy. - What bet? - He has to sleep with Bailey until prom. - Blake said - What? Good luck with that. If Vanessa understands I bet on her, she will hate me forever. It's better if I don't tell her for now. I exchanged my books and walked to my next class. On the lunch break, I went to search for the nerd. Maybe I have to stop calling her like that. I complained about pretending for a whole day. Imagine how long I have to do it. Well, I can try to be myself around her. I went to the hall. She was alone, reading a book. I wonder if someone told her about the bet. I believe she is the only one who wasn't here. Maybe with a couple of students. There is no way she doesn't know about this. There is one way to find out. - Hey. - Oh, hey. Aren't you eating with your friends? - I will, but I saw you sitting here alone. - I like that. It's so quiet here. Well, before you came. - Seriously? I know you still hate me. What did I do? I spent a whole day with you. - Nothing. I don't like you. - Is there a way I can change that? - Why? I am not the only one. - In fact, you are. The girls who don't like me have boyfriends or have a crush on someone. - Change your attitude, and I might change mine. - Deal. - Really? - Yes. I will do it if that is my only way to tame the devil. - Very funny. Go to eat and leave me alone. - Will you come with me? - What? - I don't want to leave Vanessa with Dylan. - You will be there. - Yes, but he doesn't care. He always tries on her, even in front of Tasha. Well, she is always busy with something else. What do you say? Will you come? - Let me think. Um, no. - Why? - I don't want to be around them, especially Dylan. I'm sorry. - Can I stay here then? - What do you want from me? - I started thinking about what you said. You like the kind Jason more. - Yes, so what? - Vanessa said the same. - Ok, and? - Why do you like him so much? - Because he is not an i***t who tries to be someone else to make girls walk after him. - I see. Bailey and I talked until the end of the lunch break. Maybe I don't have to pretend. I mean, I don't do it in front of Vanessa. Well, let's not forget this is a bet. I can't lose. Otherwise, Dylan will take Vanessa. I can't do this to her. Otherwise, he would've called me out for the rest of the year if I hadn't agreed to this. I won't survive. When the break finished, we walked to class. I want to go further and sit with her, but she is always in the front row. I can't do this to myself. After school, I waited for the nerd. I mean, Bailey. This will take some time. I saw her coming out with books in her hands. I can help her, but I won't do it. During the last class, I have been thinking about something. My parents want me to raise my grades. At the same time, I have to get close to Bailey. I am smart enough to put two and two together. Bailey will be my new teacher. Well, if she agrees to that. - Hey. - Were you waiting for me? - Yes, I have to talk with you. It's something serious. I can't do it here. - Ok, how about we meet at 4 pm in the same diner where we had breakfast. - Great. I'll be there. - Ok, I have to go now. See you later. - she said and left - That was easy. - What was easy? - Hey, Toby. I'm putting my plan into action. - Good. Can you keep a secret? - It depends on what it is. - I have a date with Alice. - Really? Nice, man. Why is it a secret? - Because I want to keep her. Of all the girls with who I have been, she is the best. - Then go for her. - Thanks. Please, don't tell anyone. I don't want Dylan to know. - My mouth is shut. I walked home. I can't believe Bailey agreed to go out with me. It's not a date, but I expected her to say no. This girl doesn't like me. It's not like I care about this. I decided to take a shower. Look what this girl is making me do. Honestly, I don't do it because of her. Let's say that I want to look good all the time. Later, I went for a nap. I won't study as usual. I will rest for as long as I can. I'm sure she will tire me. Well, she won't waste her time with me just like that. If I want to win the bet, I have to make some exceptions. This will be my biggest one. After my nap, I walked out. I might be a bit late, but who cares? Bailey will get used to this. Soon, I arrived and saw her sitting alone. This time, no one can help her. It's only her and me. - Hey. - You are late. - I know. - Why am I here? I have more important work to do. - I need a favor from you. I know you will say no, but can you at least listen to me? - Ok, what do you want? - My parents want me to improve my grades. If I don't do it, they will sign teachers for me. I can't do that. Can you be my teacher? - What? You have to be kidding me. - No, I'm not. - There is no way that I will be your teacher. - Please. You are the top student. I don't want to get a real one. After all, you won't t*****e me that much. I don't need an A. A solid C+ is enough for me. - No, I won't do it. - Why not? - Because it's you. I don't trust you at all. You are a player. I need to focus on my lessons. - That is what you will do. Helping me will help you. That will be like a revision for you. - Since you say it like that. - So that's a yes. - No. - Come on. How many things did I do for you? - You didn't do anything. - I can start if you accept. - I'm sorry, but no. I can't do it. - What if I behave and do what you say? - What do you mean? - I won't touch you and will do everything you tell me. - How can I be sure about that? - You will see it in action. Please, Bailey. You are my last hope. I don't want a teacher. - Fine, but there are some conditions. - Everything. - You will treat me the same way everywhere. There won't be a difference. Second, you will be on time whenever I say we have a lesson. Otherwise, I won't teach you. The last thing is the most important one. Things are professional. If you try on me, I quit. Ok? - I got it, and thanks. - Hopefully, this is not a mistake. - It's not. You can trust me. Bailey and I talked for a while. Later, she went home. I can't believe that I convinced her. She probably thought I was desperate. If she knows what my plan is. That was her biggest mistake. I will complete the bet in no time. I have to do it. Otherwise, Vanessa won't talk with me anymore. I walked home and saw my parents. Mom was making dinner as usual. I was wondering if I have to tell them about my teacher. Technically, my intentions are not good. Of course, I won't tell them that. - Hey. - Hey to you too. I see you are in a good mood. - dad said - I am. - Why? What did you do again? If another girl is involved, I don't want to know. - It is, but not the way you think. - What do you mean? - I found a teacher. - Repeat, please. - I found a teacher. - Oh, ok. I thought I didn't hear correctly. - Very funny. - Since when do you need a teacher? - mom asked - Since you started yelling at me for my grades. - Look at them. They are horrible. We want minimum effort. It's not that hard. Many people do it. - Yeah, yeah. Aren't you happy? - Is the teacher a girl? - dad asked - Yes, she is the top student at school. - Poor girl. Please, don't use her. - Relax. I know what I am doing. - That's my biggest fear. I talked with my parents during dinner. I won't tell them my real motives behind this teaching thing. It's better if they don't know. What I am doing is not right, but I don't care. I need to win this bet. I can't lose Vanessa. It's enough that I probably won't see her after high school. So, about Bailey. I don't care about this girl. She is a nerd, nothing else. If she hasn't been hurt before, she has the chance now. At least she will know what to do in such situations. I won't make her life easy, for sure. I have other priorities, and she is not one of them. I hope that I will complete the bet.
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