Chapter nine - I want to be alone

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Bailey's POV: Last week, I was with the girls. They are a good company. It's not that bad, but I have missed being alone. I'm not used to sharing everything with people. I don't have to do it, but there are always questions. This makes me feel obligated to start talking. Telling things about myself is not something I like. I don't know what people want to know about me. That's why I decided this week to be alone. I need some time for myself. It's not like I do something interesting. I prefer to read books. After all, I will need them for five more years at university. Except for that, I haven't been doing anything else. I like being around people, but not all the time. Let's say that I prefer to keep my privacy. I have to say that Dylan hasn't bugged me. It happened only once. Maybe he got tired. I would like it if this is the end. What caught my attention was Jason. The past few days, he seemed off. Both of them used to come at me. Now, he doesn't do it. I haven't seen him so distant from his friends. That's why I think Dylan is the main problem. The other boys seem good. It's not like I have talked with them. I better stay away from them. Well, Alice is with Toby. I don't want to know how he is treating her. Whatever he does, she doesn't deserve it. There is a chance that he is nice to her, but I don't believe it. After all, these boys are known for being players and hurting girls. I can't imagine that some of them can be good. I would love it because it means they will stop bugging me. Honestly, I can't wait to graduate. I want to get out of here. Maybe at university, I will have success. That is my wish. I am good. Well, as long as I am not with them in the same place. Otherwise, I don't know what I will do. I better stop complaining and catch up on the books. As my mom says, the lessons won't get finished by themselves. I hope that I won't get distracted anymore. It's another weekend. Last weekend, I spent it with Chelsea. Vanessa was with Jason. I don't blame her. I'm sure she sees something that others don't. Otherwise, she wouldn't stay with him for so long. I remember what she told me, but it's still hard to believe. The thing is that I can't imagine him as a good person. It doesn't fit the person I see every day. Maybe the problem is in me. Sometimes, I criticize people too much. I mean, I haven't talked with him. Not more than for a lunch break. I need to get to know people and then judge them. That is the right way. I woke up and checked my phone. It's a bit early, but that's ok. I can have breakfast outside. My parents are probably sleeping. I don't want to wake them up. I will leave them a note on the kitchen table. Mom might not like that I am outside, but I don't care. I won't think about her now. I took my things and walked out. There is one good diner to which I like to go. Hopefully, there won't be many people. I walked in and checked what they had displayed. - Good morning, what do you want? - I want two fluffy pancakes with a mini croissant. - Do you want a drink? - A cup of hot chocolate, please. - Ok, no problem. Give me ten minutes, and your breakfast will be ready. - Thank you. While I waited, I looked around to see where I wanted to sit. That's when I noticed something. Maybe I should say someone. Jason was here. Alone. I have never seen him so calm. He is not doing anything besides drinking whatever he has ordered. I'm afraid of one thing. If I sit with him, he will pull out the bad guy. I don't want to eat with him. It's better if I don't disturb him. That's why I took my tray and walked up to him. That is probably the biggest mistake in my life. - Good morning. Can I sit with you? - Nerd? What are you doing here? - Eating. I can ask you the same. This doesn't look like alcohol. - Because it's not. I don't drink only that. This is coffee. What do you have? - Hot chocolate. - Nice. - Yes. - Will you sit or plan to eat on your feet? - I don't know if you want me here. - You are already here. Sit down. You cover my view. - What view? - You won't understand. I didn't say anything else and sat down. He looked at me for a second. Then he continued looking out the window. There is something weird in him. I have never seen him so calm. I am afraid that this is like a mask. Maybe it's better if I don't know. I continued eating and ignored him. That was until his eyes got firmly on me. - Why are you looking at me like that? - Like what? - It's scary. Will you do something? - No, it's too early. I haven't woken up properly. If you want something, you have to wait. - No, thanks. I'm good. - If you say so. - Can I ask you something? - Go on. - How are you so calm? - I asked, and he looked at me again - What? - You look so calm. I have never seen you like that. - What's the time now? - It's almost 9:30 am. - See? It's too early. Also, I don't do things all the time. Sometimes, I like to sit and chill. - Oh, ok. I'm sorry for asking. - It's ok. What are your plans for the day? - After breakfast, I'm going home. - To study? - Yes. - I will probably regret this, but do you want us to go out? - Where? - I don't know. You can decide. - I can't. - I won't do anything to you. I promise. - No, it's not that. I don't have time. - Why? It's the weekend. - Because I want to be alone. I spent too much time with people. That made me realize that I like being by myself. - Who likes being alone? - Me. That way, people won't ask me questions. - So we have a deal? - Yes. Wait, what? - You said yes. We are going out. Eat faster. - What did I do? - Exactly what I wanted. I ate my breakfast calmly. Later, both of us walked out. I have no idea where we are going. At least it's during the day. I will never go out with him during the night. He might be nice now, but I expect this to change soon. We walked around the town for a while. After some time, we went to a store. It was for girls. Please, tell me this is not his plan to make me do something horrible. - Ok, I need your help. - With what? - You have talked with Vanessa recently. Pick something that she will like. - Why? - She is mad at me again. Let's say that Dylan doesn't want to leave her alone. She is blaming me for not defending her. - I'm not surprised. - I mumbled to myself - I know. - What? - I still can hear you. Anyway. Pick something. - Why me? You should know her better. - Maybe, but you are a girl. - Ok, give me ten minutes to look around. I'm glad that this is not what I thought it could be. I picked a card on which it said I'm sorry. Also, I saw a cute bracelet. I don't know if Vanessa will like it, but I can't think of anything better. To top it off, I chose a pair of sunglasses. No matter that there is no sun now. I gave him these things, and he went to pay for them. Later, we continued with our walk until lunchtime. Can you believe this? He wants to have lunch with me. I don't know what is happening, but I have my concerns. Let's not forget who he is. We went to a restaurant and took a table. Soon, the waiter came and left us the menus. - What do you want? - Water. - I meant food. - Oh, I don't know. - Will you calm down? I won't do anything to you. As I have told you many times, you are not worth my time and effort. I mean, at least for now. - Well, it's not every day you want to have lunch with me. - Pick your food. - Ok, ok. I will eat a pizza. - Good. I'll take one as well. We talked until we waited for the food. I like this version of Jason, but I'm scared it's fake. Why can't he be like that all the time? I'm sure many girls will like the good boy. I will, for sure. Vanessa, as well. I guess he will never do it. Of course, I can ask him. The thing is that he probably won't tell me. We had a peaceful lunch as well. I looked at my phone and saw a missed call from my mom. I sent her a message that I was eating. I won't tell her that I am with someone. She won't like it. I expect her to say I'm wasting my time with people, except for studying. When we finished our food, we walked out. I haven't paid for anything today. I have no idea why he is nice to me. That has never happened before. I want to think he is changing, but that is not true. I don't believe it. After some time, we arrived at a park. I never thought I would see him at such a place. He sat on a bench and tapped next to him. That is not a good idea, but I can't do anything. If I walk away, he might think I don't trust him. It's true, but he better don't know it. - I don't bite. - I won't be so sure. - You don't trust me, do you? - No, I don't. - As you can see, I didn't do anything to you. - Why? I mean, why are you so nice to me? You never do that. - I decided to change. - Yeah, I don't believe you. You can fool Vanessa, but not me. - I'm not fooling anyone. - Are you sure? - Yes, I am. We can go for ice cream if you want. - I think I will go home. I spent enough time outside today. - Oh, ok. Have fun studying. - You don't mind? - No. I can't make you stay with me. It's visible that you don't want to be here. - I didn't say that. - You don't have to do it. I see it. - If you don't do anything to me, I will do one thing of your choice. - Really? - Yes, only one thing. - I feel honored. Ok, then. I want something. - What is it? - For you to spend the rest of the day with me. - What? I can't do that. - You said you would do it. - Fine, but the moment you try on me, I am going home. Understood? - I got it. Let's go for ice cream now. - Can I pay for it? - No. Both of us went to an ice cream store. Jason paid for it again. It's not like I mind it, but it's weird. He has never been nice to me. I don't know what is going on. Maybe it's better that way. I might not like the reason. We continued with our walk while eating. For some reason, this feels good. I like it. I feel like I am talking with an ordinary person. The bad guy is gone. Well, no one will miss him. At least I won't. - You like it, don't you? - Like what? - The ice cream. - Oh, you mean that. Yes, I like it. - What were you thinking about? - Nothing. - You can tell me. I won't tell anyone. - It was about you. - Me? What about you? - Why can't you be like that all the time? It won't hurt you to be good. - Who I am is my decision. - I didn't say the opposite. I'm saying that I like this version of Jason. The kind guy is better than the bad one. - You think? - Yes, I do. I can even make him my friend. - Don't you want too much? - I'm only saying. - Look, I appreciate it, but no. I can't do it all the time. - Why not? I think you shouldn't care what Dylan tells you. He doesn't know anything. He is the user, not you. I know you care about Vanessa, even if you will never admit it. - Don't be so sure. - But I am. It's visible. You won't let anyone hurt her. That's why she is with you. She likes the good Jason as well. - You are crazy. - For you. - What? - I'm kidding. - Please, don't give me heart attacks. - Why? You do it all the time. - Really? - No. - Since when did you start joking with me? - Since the kind guy appeared. - I see. The rest of the day, I was with Jason. We went for dinner as well. I felt bad that he spent so much money on me today. That's why I chose the cheapest meal on the menu. I'm glad he didn't realize that. He wanted to send me home, but I didn't let him. I'm sure my mom is waiting for me. She can't understand that I am with someone. Otherwise, she might not let me go outside again. We went for one last walk before I went home. I wish this day had been a bit longer. Probably, that will never happen again. When I walked in, my mom was at the front door. - Where have you been? - Outside. - The whole day? Do you know how much work you have? Go and study right now. You won't go out for a week. - What? Why? - Got to your room. - Ok, fine. - I said and did it - Hey, kid. - Dad, what are you doing here? - Nothing. I wanted to check on you. How was your day? - It was good. - Were you with someone? - Will you tell my mom? - No. - Then, yes, I was. - So you had company. - Yes, I did. It was a good one. Maybe unexpected. - I'm sure you had fun. - I did. - You need to do this more often. - I know, but I don't have time. - Yes, you do. I will leave you. Good night. - he said and kissed the top of my head - To you, too. - I said, and he left I had a good day. I didn't expect to spend it with Jason, but I'm happy. This was the first time I saw him in a new light. It's like I was talking with someone else. I have no idea why he acted this way, but I liked it. I wish he had been like that all the time. Maybe he doesn't want to do it. Well, that is his choice. I can't tell him what to do. Also, I don't want to do that. It's not like he will listen to me. I better stop thinking about him and focus on myself. The lessons are waiting for me. I'm getting tired of this. Doing the same thing every day is not funny. I hope that this will change soon.
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