
1837 Words
*The contents of this chapter might be triggering for some readers* Kiara I ran for my life. I didn't give a damn where my feet took me. I just wanted to see how far I could get. I didn't want to be discovered. I didn't wish to go to prison. I needed some time to consider my options. I would be pardoned if I could show that they were the Don's allies. The problem was I had no idea how I was going to show them the truth. All I had was words, but the question was, would they believe me without any solid proof? I came to a halt by a massive tree trunk, gasping for air. I needed to catch my breath and was tired because my legs were weary from running for so long. I leaned against the stump for support, hoping to rid some of the fatigue. As I struggled to figure out my next move, beads of sweat ran down my face. To be honest, I didn't have a plan. I was on the run after killing two individuals. I knew I should have known better than to kill them on the spot, even though they were allies of the villains we were seeking for. Nonetheless, my anger had gotten the better of me and it was too late for me to do anything about what I had done. I had killed them, and that, unfortunately was a fact. Perhaps facing what awaited me was the best option. Maybe they would consider what I have to say and maybe upon investigation, they would be able to find proof of Danny's connection with the Don. Perhaps hoping that they would consider my testimony was the best plan I could come up with. What could I possibly be able to do all by myself? I wouldn't even be able to survive. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. In the space of a few moments, my life became chaotic. The people who I thought were closest to me had crushed my heart, yet I was unable to grieve. "I should go back," I whispered to myself. Suddenly, a set of muscular arms grabbed me from behind when I least expected it. I guess I was too immersed in my thoughts to realise that someone was approaching me. "Hey!" I yelled, but my screams were quickly muffled. My mouth and nose were covered by the assailant and I smelled a sweet smell. My eyes widened. It was too late when I realised he was holding a chloroform-soaked handkerchief in his hands. Regardless of wanting to fight, I lost. My eyes closed, and I was rapidly surrounded in darkness. *** Unfamiliar baritone voices woke me up. I couldn't decipher what they were saying, but their voices were distinct enough that I could tell they were all men. I remained silent until the door was shut and the room fell silent. They were gone, so I decided to take a look around. Despite my drowsiness, I gradually opened my eyes. I couldn't see what was directly in front of me since the surroundings were so dark. Not a single ray of light seeped inside. I was aware that I was resting on a hard, chilly surface, and that something was pressing at my wrists. I shifted my weight and twitched my nose as I tried to ignore the moist odour in the air. I was able to sit up and hug my knees, but I soon realised that metal chains had been used to bind my wrists and ankles. I knew it had to be metal because of the clinking sound it made with each movement. Dread settled in my heart. Were they able to catch me so quickly? I tried to remember what had transpired in silence. I remembered running away and was attempting to rest for a few minutes when I was grabbed from behind. I remember smelling chloroform and then passing out. My brow furrowed in concentration. That wasn't the etiquette for arresting someone. Besides, I couldn't recall ever being in a police station cell that was completely dark and smelled strange. After all, we never shackled our inmates in metal chains. This location was perplexing. This can't possibly be a police station. I realised when I heard someone unlock the door. My workplace was well-known to me. We didn't have such cells in the jail or any of the stations. So, where exactly am I? The sun's beams illuminated the room as the door opened. My attention was not drawn to the unkempt surroundings. Rather, I focused my attention on the hefty stranger with a massive abdomen who stood at the door. "You've woken up," he grumbled, a cigarette still lodged in his teeth, as he turned around to address his companions. "Hey! She's awake now!" "We're coming!" Someone responded when he called out to them. I stood there silently watching, trying to figure out how to get out of the situation I was in. The problem was the chains. Due to them, I would be only able to deliver limited resistance against them. They weren't cops. That much I was aware of. These men were most likely hoodlums who lived in the woods. They would almost certainly be involved in illicit activities such as human trafficking or drug dealing. They could even be organ harvesters. The concept made me shudder. If that was the case, I unwittingly fell into their trap. What I knew was that I would fight them no matter what, even if it meant fighting a losing battle. I was well-versed in the art of combat. During my police training classes, I received excellent instruction. Nonetheless, without my rifle, I wouldn't be able to do much against a gang of men. If they had any reasoning, they would have taken away any weapons I had with me while I was oblivious. Anyway, now wasn't the time to double-check whether or not I had my weapons on me. My attention was drawn to a group of four well-built males, as well as the stout man, who marched into the building. My heart felt like it was about to leap out of my chest. I had never been so anxious in my life. I moved to get away from the wall, but my back was already against it. I felt relieved when they came to a standstill a short distance away from me. I'd rather people stay as far away as possible. I was relieved that they weren't attempting to touch me... at least not yet. One of them knelt and shook his head. He laughed. "What is a gorgeous lady doing alone in the woods?" I took a big gulp of air. "We could fairly conclude she's a police officer based on her attire," another said, and everyone chuckled. "Police. Our wonderful 'friends'," snorted the stout guy He asked his men, "did you take her weapons away?" and received a positive response. My stomach dropped. My instincts were correct. My Glock was taken away. "Boss, how are we going to deal with her?" The middle-aged man with the large stomach was asked by one of the well built men. Oh, so he was the group's leader. If only I had my gun with me, I'd be more than happy to deal with such thugs. "Of course, we use her," their leader chuckled. "Why should such beauty be wasted?" I didn't like how his expression shifted. I shivered at the way he looked at me. "Wait... what are you looking for from me?" When he began to swagger towards me, I stammered. Chuckling, he unbuttoned his shirt, his creepy gaze still fixed on me. "Don't worry, dear. I'm not looking for much. And I promise you, if you cooperate, this will cause you no harm." He talked in an unsettling tone when he responded to me. I began to feel apprehensive. What my conscience was saying didn't sit well with me. I cast a desperate glance at the men standing behind him, but none of them moved. They were staring at me as if I were a piece of meat. I despised it. I hoped I had the ability to flee. I wished I had the superhuman abilities I used to read about. If only I had the ability to break the chains that held me captive and escape this horror. When he stripped off his clothing and charged at me like a hungry lion, all I could do was hyperventilate. Screaming for help, I thrashed against him. I used my nails and teeth to do as much harm as I could, but it made no difference to him, nor to his followers. They didn't show even a smidgeon of mercy. My resistance seemed to fuel his hunger. The more I fought against him, the more aggressive he got. I was unable to stop him from doing what he wanted. My resistance was hampered by the use of metal shackles, and all I was left with was anguish and a shattered soul. His soldiers gleefully watched as their boss assaulted me, and by the time he was finished, I was exhausted. I was worn out from all the yelling and writhing. My spirits were broken when I failed to protect myself from the perpetrator. In addition to that, my already broken heart shattered a million times more. I felt like the most unfortunate woman alive. During the assault, he had slammed his fist into my face, breaking my nose. Blood dripped from it, but that was the least of my worries at that moment. My whole body was bruised, but none of them hurt as much as the sorrow in my heart. "Boss, can we have her as well?" While I lay on the floor, unable to move, I heard their obscene request. "She is yours." Those words were the end of whatever courage I had in me. Being taken by force was worse than a horrible death. I wished I hadn't lived to see this day. I assumed that as a professional officer, I would never have to face such humiliation, but it was happening. My life has gone from bad to worse to worst in a matter of moments. I couldn't imagine how I would ever get out of this dilemma. When they approached, I squinted my eyes shut. I didn't have enough strength left in me to battle those strong men. All I could wish for was death when they charged at me. It would have been preferable to be killed in cold blood than to become a living corpse. Despite the fact that I rarely weep, tears welled up in the corners of my eyes. The torment went on until all four of them had had their turn. The sound of their sickening laughter made me want to throw up. The horrendous ordeal continued until my body could no longer take it and I finally passed out.
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