3.4| Kiss

1050 Words

Ever since that night where Nyra had a bad encounter with Tristan, she had developed a complicated thought pattern about leaving the house. She wanted to go outside and do what she normally did and thought there was nothing to fear, just like Darcy said. On the other hand she was still a slave to that fear that gripped her in every possible place. After a lot of urging from Nana Linda, Nyra decided to finally leave the house two days later. During this time Darcy did not show up as he was stuck with work and Nyra was relieved because she wouldn't have to explain it to him. "I am going to open the shop today, Nana. You can come later." With that said, Nyra left the house with her hair down and a hoodie covering her head. It was a fool proof plan of avoiding people's eyes on her. Eve

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