2.9| Rogue attacks

1068 Words

Darcy happily went back to his office to see Nyra. He wondered what she was doing? An hour was pretty long time if someone was bored. He hoped she wasn't bored waiting for him. It was possible though, he had nothing special in his office that could amuse her. He made plans in his mind to change some things in that boring office in case he brought her often in the future. He couldn't possibly let her stay idle while he was working. His head was full of such thoughts when he reached the office. "Love, I asked them to send lunch -" his voice stopped short when his eyes fell on the bunch of dried up roses on the coffee table. Nyra was sitting on the couch with her arms crossed and eyes closed. Darcy's voice interrupted her nap. "Oh, you are back? How was the meeting?" Nyra asked, rubbi

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