1.4| illness

2165 Words

Andrew's concern was not out of line in Darcy's opinion, but there was nothing that could be done to find that person. If they could, with the help of the Lycan organization, they would have found her whereabouts already. She was either dead, or determined not to be found. Either way, it was a dead end. There was no use in worrying over it. Many times, human emotions were contradictory to logical thinking. Darcy was certain that Andrew already knew the possibility, but he still couldn't help but be worried. That was his care for a girl he watched growing up. Even though he couldn't say any comforting words, Darcy stayed around for a while. Since Andrew shared his worries with him, he couldn't be insensitive and say it was useless to care. He watched the rookies train and only left whe

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