Chapter 20

1552 Words

Keya I knew coming to the party was a mistake right from the moment I found myself in the Ember Haven pack. I don't belong there. And it got worse when Luna Celine announced Asher would be joining the party. The rest of the women whom she mentioned had arrived looking rich and classy. I tried to come up with an excuse to leave but mom wouldn't let me be. She had bragged to her friends about me, making me put on a fake smile just so I could please her. I don't belong here. I kept chanting the voice inside me. At some point, my eyes kept on going to the door for the arrival of Asher. I don't even know why I was anticipating his arrival. One of the women by the name Sandra is Bella's mother. You could see the resemblance right away. I spared my wristwatch a glance. We had been here fo

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