Chapter 31

1587 Words

Keya "That man is getting on my nerves!" I hissed for a million times as I added sugar to his tea. I made sure I added 'plenty' sugar as he wanted it. If not because of my mission, I wouldn't tolerate him even for a minute. He's such an asshole. He can believe me to be possessed by Keya's ghost. It will make my work easier. "Hello?" My movement halted hearing the familiar voice. Vivian. My heart raced inside. Keep calm. I mentally assured myself, reminding myself of the promise I made to myself not to get emotional. I turned around keeping a cool face. "Hello, Vivian." "Don't tell me you're Mr. Asher's new secretary? How did you go from being a fashion designer to a secretary? She asked with a bit of surprise on her face. "Well, things happened.” "That asshole." She cussed under he

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