
2546 Words

AIDEN ‘Kill him.’ Leo’s voice echoed loudly in my head, and I would have done just that if I wasn’t desperately trying to cling onto any bit of sanity I had left. I could feel the rage seeping through my veins, curling around my chest like a treacherous snake and squeezing every inch of me it could reach. My eyes were bloodshot, my ears rang in a way that silenced everything around me, I could feel the way my chest tightened and constricted due to anguish. I was a ball of emotions. Rage. Anguish. Pain. Terror. And I knew only one thing could set that in place, and that was beating this piece of trash to a plump. He tried to shield his face, and I curled my fist and punched him right in the gut, sending him flying across the hall. He cried out in agony, as I lunged at him without even h

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