
4642 Words

AIDEN. 'Does Nala stand a chance against a fierce looking Aiden?' I read the text thrice, as my eyes kept drifting towards the photo attached. Nala sent me a photo! For a moment, as I stood in the changing room with my phone in hand, I couldn't breathe. It was only after I felt the breath clogging in my throat that I opened my mouth and sucked in some, trying to capture the picture in my head. In my mind. My breath broke again, and I gazed at the picture even more. This was my Nala. And I was not looking at her in flesh and blood. Or during a video call. No. She had willingly sent me a picture of her and if that doesn't say something, I don't know what does. At any moment, my heart may explode from sheer joy. I took in the curve of her lips, the way she had her hair parted into two

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