Trapped in a Nightmare

1279 Words
18 years ago. Crescent Moon Territory " Where were you? Did you again open your legs to that bastard like the sl*t that you are ?" " London please listen to me. I just went to take-" Smack! The woman's frail body stumbled back to fall with the impact. Tears streamed down her brown eyes. She held her throbbing cheek to get up when another kick landed on her stomach. And she crumbles into a ball. " Now you will lie to me huh? It seems you are forgetting your place. " " I just went to buy the medicine. I swear. I am not lying -" Smack. " Keep your trap shut. Now be a good little mate and come here." " No. Please." The man turned around to lock the door shut. But what he stood unaware of, was of the little child of barely 10 years hiding in the cupboard. The girl's brown locks were made into two neat ponytails, tears streamed down her eyes, but no words left her lips. Clapping her palms shut on her lips, she won't go against her mother's order. " Hide Ren. Don't make any sound and don't come out. No matter what okay?" " It will be over soon. Dad will just scold me and leave. " " Yes momma" The girl knew what scolding was. But this didn't look like it in any respect. The man was hurting his momma. For the next 10 minutes, the woman's cries echoed in the room. And then the girl sniffed it, blood. " Aghhh no London. Please! Trust me! The child is yours! " " Shut up! I am going to kill that bastard child and you!" " Agghhhhh! Noooo" Another scream and the little girl's grip on the wooden door of the cupboard tightens. Her innocent brown eyes were burning with hate, the only thing stopping her was her mother's promise. But she couldn't take it anymore. The smell of blood was too much. Pushing the door open. The girl steps out to freeze. What she saw made her innocent heart c***k into a thousand pieces. There lay the woman with barely any clothes. Her stomach, where her little sister was said to be growing was stabbed with a knife and blood was oozing out of it like a stream. Yet the man showed no mercy. He continues to kick her. " Will you leave again without informing, b***h! Speak!" " Answer me dammit!" The woman lay motionless on the floor, her eyes were dropping. Tears continue to stream down her eyes as rugged breaths leave her lips. " Why don't you speak-" The man was going to kick her again when the little girl screamed to rush forward. Blocking her. " Leave my mother! Don't you dare touch her!" The man was shocked for a second. And the girl feels a tug on her skirt. Her mother gripped her hem, shaking her head in a no. " Don't..just run...Ren...go" " No" The firmness in the little girl's voice shocked both the adults in the room. " You little piece of s**t! " Grabbing the girl's dress collar, the man lifts her in the air, but she doesn't lower her eyes. She matches his eyes. " No London. Leave her. She is just a child! I beg!" Her mother was holding the man's feet, begging him. But the little girls' eyes had no fear. Rather,collecting the saliva in her mouth, she spits it on his face and the man loses his s**t. Throwing her in the air, he knocks her over. As the little girl hits the wall to crumble down. " No! Ren!" " I am going to kill both of you bitches today!" Grabbing the woman from her hair, the man wraps his hands around her neck. And starts choking her. " Die you w***e!" Slowly the life was leaving the woman's eyes. Her thrashing seizes. She lies in mobile hanging on the wall. The little girl stumbles to reach them despite her bleeding forehead. Grabbing the man's shirt, she struggled to pull him back. But who was she kidding? He was much stronger. " my Ren. More...than anything... " " No....No....let her gooooooo! Nooooo!" " Goodbye R....e...n" As the last strike of light was ready to leave her eyes, a strange burst of burning energy leaves the girl's palms. Within a second the man's grip slips and the woman's body drops down with a thud. " Aghhhh!" The man's scream echoes as burning flames engulf his body in seconds. He starts running around, screaming but the fire is unquenchable and wild. The little girl rushes to her mother's side and they both stare at the monster of a man, burning in flames. He clawed, and begged at their feet. Asking them to help. But none moved. Within seconds his entire body burned and turned to ashes. Ren was scared, but her mother held her little hands and stared at them. They were clean. Without a single burn. " What...what did I do momma?" "Ren. My daughter. You are the special one. I can't believe it. " Her mother starts kissing her palms. Crying hysterically. She looked happy. " What..what do you mean?" Suddenly her mother's eyes dropped, she didn't have much time left. Gripping the wound on her stomach, she grasps Ren's palms. To speak. " Listen...listen to me carefully Ren..." " Moon goddess has chosen have a superpower. " " Protect yourself with it okay? I...will not be there to save you, my child. " " But mom-" " Shhh. Be strong. Confident. Independent. Never be...afraid. This world may But promise me that..." " will always rise a Phoenix." " Promise m...e" The little girl didn't understand much but she still agreed. Cleaning the woman's tears with her small palms, she nods. " I promise..." And then the woman's eyes go still and the little girl screams. " Noooooooo!" Before she knows, the entire room sets in flames and a blinding white light enters her vision. . . . " N...o" The nightmare ends and Eirene's panicked eyes snap open. Her breathing was rugged and her body sweaty as she blankly stared at the dark cloth covering her head. Her cheek was pressed on the cold floor and she was lying on her side. At least I am not suspended. She thought, thanking whosoever did this last little act of mercy on her. She gulps to only have her throat feel like sandpaper. Blinking her heavy eyes, a feeble attempt was made to move, but it ended with the clanking of metal chains echoing in the room. Chains were still tied around her ankles, neck and wrists. And she wanted to laugh at the council's fear. They still thought she could escape from here? If only. Her body has long lost this struggle. It was her mind that was keeping her alive every second now. She could already feel the darkness sweeping back in front of her eyes, along with the dark nightmares which were nothing but the flashes of the hell she had lived through her life. Wetting her dried parched and cracked lips with her tongue. She breathes heavily to clench and unclench her tied hands. To no avail. She tried again. Focussing all that's left in her. But nothing. They stay frozen, with no spark of light. " sorry ma...I..." "I won't be able to fulfill my promise...any..more..." " You..r Phoenix is....coming to y...ou." As the last coarse word leaves her lip, her heavy eyes drop back to darkness, and a last teardrop slides down her eyes.
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