
490 Words
Marcus Bolton. Handsome billionaire, playboy, CEO, and practically a genius. Everyone knows Marcus liked to sleep around with a lot of women. So of course he managed to get one pregnant. And that is how Bailey was born. Baileys mother didn't want her and refused to take her and Marcus didn't want her either but he took her in because he didn't want to ruin his image. So as Bailey grew older she tried and tried to get her father's attention. She was a child genius at an early age and passed through the grades quickly. She was on a lot of sports teams; softball, cheerleading, swim team, dance team. She made perfect grades and achieved many awards in school. When her father didn't even glance at any of that she started to try to build weapons for his company. Unfortunately Marcus just waved her off saying he didn't like her ideas without even looking at them. Bailey graduated high school when she was thirteen years old. Marcus didn't go to her graduation. That finally was the last straw for Bailey. It devastated her more than anything else. She finally decided to confront Marcus. She went to him and full out demanded to know why he ignored her, why he was never there for her. When he didn't answer but just said something sarcastic she finally insulted him saying he was just a cold hearted man w***e and all he cared about was sleeping around, not even his own family mattered. At that, Marcus suddenly got up and slapped her across the face. Hard enough to send her flying back and hit a glass table behind her. It cut her up bad and she was bleeding on the floor with a bruised cheek and tears in her eyes. Marcus just looked at her coldly and said she was a spoilt brat before walking away. Bailey got up and packed her things and left the house never looking back. A year after living on the streets alone and building her own computer out of garbage and hacking into government systems Iron Arm managed to find her. Iron Arm was a top secret organization hidden in the shadows that protected the world from major threats. Iron Arm offered her a job and she couldn't refuse. She worked with them for two years, in those two years she had an accident in their lab with harmful chemicals causing her to gain the power over the elements. She then decided to go into the army. She altered her birth certificate and got into the army and stayed there for a year and a half. After that she built up 'B corporation'. Where she invented many new technologies and cured many diseases. Even helping with the homeless, orphans, poor people, and the elderly. She has made many friends along the way. It's been six years since she last seen her father, she is now nineteen.
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