Chapter 53 : An Unlikely Alliance

2070 Words

*Daphne* Eva didn't even give me a chance to answer before she pulled me along with her. Carissa's men paid us no mind, and just continued about their business as we hurried past them. Eva took me below deck to where the little dwellings were. She pushed open a small door, and I could only assume it was the living quarters she had been inhabiting. It was well-furnished considering that it was on a boat. It had a larger cot with a thick blanket and a dark-colored clothing trunk. Eva shut the tiny door behind her before she turned to face me. It was at that moment that I remembered that this young woman had nearly killed me, and I couldn't be one hundred percent certain that she wouldn't do that now. I had obviously been with her brother at the time that he was poisoned, and I was sur

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