Chapter 45 : A Tearful Crimson Family Reunion

1996 Words

*Daphne* It took days to finally make it home. We were able to wash up and get clean clothes from a kind elderly woman along the way. The closer we got to the castle, the more anxious I became. Even when we were a mere few miles away, I couldn't allow myself to get excited. Eva was still out there, hungry for revenge, eager to watch my blood pour out onto the floor in front of her feet. “We're nearly there," Rion said suddenly. I nodded, though I was well aware that we were close to my beloved home. My eyes immediately filled with tears when the mighty towers came into view, seeming to burst through the thick trees. I resisted the urge to sprint toward the comforting mass of stone, glass, and steel. The castle looked gorgeous in the bright morning light, the breathtaking pink and or

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